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Re: Yary Hluchan, est, and the use of the list
- To: snark!lojbab, snark!lojban-list
- Subject: Re: Yary Hluchan, est, and the use of the list
- From: Eric Tiedemann <cbmvax!uunet!cs.nyu.edu!est>
- Date: Fri, 18 May 90 09:43:37 -0400
- Resent-Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 16:09:55 EDT
- Resent-From: cbmvax!uunet!PICA.ARMY.MIL!protin
- Resent-Message-Id: <9106172014.AA16106@relay1.UU.NET> 22 May 90 8:03 EDT
- Resent-To: John Cowan <cowan@snark.thyrsus.com>
To: lojban-list@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Yary Hluchan, est, and the use of the list
Date: 18 May 90 00:34:58 EDT (Fri)
From: cbmvax!snark.uu.net!lojbab@uunet.UU.NET
I therefore STONGLY OBJECT to est's comments/suggestions that
1) Yary's questions were in any way stupid, or should not have been
posted to the net
2) that anyone with questions should send them to one private
I'm deeply hurt by this misrepresentation, especially from someone with
whom I talked for over an hour on apparently friendly terms just two hours
before he sent it. The closest thing to (1) I can find in my message is,
"Yes, some of us know about modern programming." I know that some people
(not me) would find this condescending. Perhaps I should have put a smiley
face after it. I simply wanted to forstall an overly detailed conversation
before Yary had the information he so obviously needed. To say that Yary's
questions are primarily the product of ignorance of things about which he
could easily inform himself if sent the OVERVIEW in its current form
(however unsatisfactory it may be to lojbab) is not to ascribe *any*
character flaw to him--certainly not stupidity.
Anyhow, surely my references to the parser technology actually used count
for something. Above all, I wanted to get the information he needed to
Yary as quickly as possible. Has he been sent the OVERVIEW as I suggested?
I hope so. You know, in the printed version of _la lojban mo_ as of
September 1989, LLG offered to e-mail both the OVERVIEW and the grammar .
Perhaps it should be posted, in pieces, to lojban-list for discussion if
that's what lojbab wants.
As for (2), I don't see how you get to it from, "Feel free to ask further
questions in private mail or send me messages for review before you post
them to lojban-list." I made an offer, and it stands. There are no
must's, should's or even please's in it. I do believe that some questions
should be asked, at first, of one person. For example, I will not forward
every single question asked in the two classes I'm starting to the net.
Let's be reasonable.
I'm glad lojbab didn't find major substantive corrections to make of my
posting, and surprised he didn't take issue with my bitter comments about
LLG policy.
The grammar will not be posted till after LogFest. It is too
unstable (and the version that est had and tried to post was
obsolete by the time he got it...
36 hours after he sent it! This doesn't sound like a very inclusive
standardization process. More--much, much more--on that later.