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Re: categorization and generalization...

I don't want to directly enter into this discussion about the role of mass
terms in collective insanity, but I recently came across the following
striking passage elsewhere, striking for its *avoidance* of mass terms.  It
seems to have something to do with the discussion, but I'm not sure what. 
Make of it what you will.

"When I went through adolescence, people in grey suits wanted to
force me to wear a green suit and go into a jungle and shoot at people
in black pajamas who were shooting back, and people in blue suits would
try to club me on the head if I complained."

Richard Kennaway          SYS, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
Internet:  jrk@sys.uea.ac.uk            uucp:  ...mcsun!ukc!uea-sys!jrk