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A letter from Ivan Derzhanski

It's me again.

Ivan's letter was, indeed, very cool, and raises some good questions, which
I shall attempt to answer at some point.  But first, a little knee-jerk

Ivan writes:

ni'o  mi troci ke lojbo fanva lo lisri be ci'a pa le tercfi pe lemi
  natmi beme'e zo XRISto.SMIRnenski.

Doesn't "beme'e" here imply that it's the nation (natmi) that is named
XRISto. SMIRnenski.?  And would simply changing it to "beime'e" work to fix
it... Oops.  Nope.  That would link to the story.  I guess one of the
terminators isn't elidable (lemi natmi ku, perhaps?)  Or did I miss
