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amended list of changes to rafsi

Some amendments on rafsi and lujvo conventions

1. The conventions proposed were somewhat backwards, and have been reversed.
It was pointed out for example that suctysidbyfinti  couldbe either the
sucty- convention or the suctysidby- convention, and there may be the desire to
have a sucty- abstract of a sidbybroda.

2. da was not assigned daz, and hence did not need to lose its rafsi (I
may have had in mind giving dav- to something else, but the draft sheet
where I laid out these changes isn't around anymore.)

3. There were two words assigned to sog, so "sor" was released from
skori (which still has two alternatives) and so'a, so'e, and so'i were shifted
down the sequence to keep them in order.  sorgu gets 'sog'.

4. 'roz' assigned to 'roi' was a conflict, changed to 'rov'

5. I have prepared a new master rafsi list, which will be in the next set
of material I send to the Planned Languages Server, possibly next week.

some lujvo conventions to eliminate need for some cmavo rafsi
   (there may be exceptions, i.e. lujvo of the pattern that are not of the

cu'o preceded by number rafsi is probability rather than modification
fi'u with number rafsi is interpreted as fraction rather than modification
ka'e handled by kakne
li'i lifrysucty- in first position
mu'e mulnynun- in first position
pu'u prucynun- in first position
si'o sidbysucty- in first position
su'u sucty- in first position
za'i zastynun- in first position
zu'o zuktynun- in first position

summary of all proposed rafsi changes

( - after a rafsi means the rafsi was deassigned for reuse.)

CVC CCV CVV     cmavo/gismu

        ce'o    ce'o
        co'e    co'e
        fo'a-   forca (retains for, fro)
        fo'a    fo'a
        fo'e    fo'e
        fo'i    fo'i
        ke'e    ke'e
        le'e    le'e
        lo'e    lo'e
        me'a    mleca
        no'e    no'e
        nu'o    nu'o
        to'e    to'e
        ve'e    ve'e
        vu'e    vrude
        za'o    za'o
        ze'e    ze'e
        ze'o    ze'o
        zi'o    dzipo
        zo'a    zo'a
        zo'i    zo'i
    dze         dzena
    dzi         dzipo
    mre         nimre
    mre-        merli
    tco         ketco
    tco-        dotco
bem             bemro
biz             bi'o or bi'i
caz             ca'a
caz-            cadzu (retains dzu)
cel             ce
cez             ce'i
daz             da'a
dum             du'u
joz             jo'e
kep             ke'e
ket             ketco
kuz             ku'a
mec             mleca
mem             mei
mom             moi
nal             na'e
nal-            na
nar             na
nuk             nukni
pez             pe'a  (figurative lujvo - totally unpredictable place structure)
piv             pi'u
piz             pi
puz             pu'i
ror             rorci
rov             roi
sog             sorgu
soj             so'a
sop             so'e
sor             so'i  (also has "so'i" added this one for series)
sor-            skori (retains sko, ko'i)
sos             so'o
sot             so'u
vud             vrude
xub             xruba
zip             dzipo