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Re: clearly asking the question - new gismu list or not?

    lojbab has reaised the question of how to handle the new gismu list.
There is an ambivalence caused by wanting people to have the newer
revised version and not wanting to dissipate resources printing up
something that may change again. The probelm is made worse by the 
new formats which are more useful but consume more space.
    I suggest that we get samples of the new data formats and
work out samples of printing formats.  We can then evaluate them
and critique them.
    I would look for a printing format (size as well as layout)
that provided for easy modification.  Like the ability to tape
additions and corrections to the bottom/top/side margins of the
page.  With revision codes on each page, so that the more significantly
changed pages can be remastered and distributed (replacing the
overwritten and overtaped previous versions).  (This sort of thing
was done with many issuances of the UNIX reference manual from
many sources.)

    thank you all,
    Art Protin

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.