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Call for vocabulary lists

    I flamed on here earlier when the discussion turned to how to
make Lojban appealing to linguists because I lose my patience with the
politics of the (very) soft sciences.  A couple of my points apparently
had merit and I am debating them directly with Lojbab (however most were
just my loss of control over my fears that Lojban might deteriorate as
a result of becoming more main stream - if the stream moves to appreciate
us, great - if we move to be appreciated, horrors).
    One issue is such that I am asking for your help.  Can any of you
provide vocabulary lists from news papers or educational institutions?
You know, the kind that I referred to in my flame.  They would serve
multiple functions, the least of which is to prove my argument about
sizes.  More important functions would use the content of those lists.

    thank you all,

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.