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I few quickies

I have a couple of fairly simple questions:

First off, have we got a good way to say "light" (not in weight)?  I think
{to'ermanku} is ugly (yes, in case you're keeping count, I'd rather see
"light" and "unlight" (cf. Esperanto "lumo" and "mallumo") than "dark and
"undark".  Call me biased).  I've been using {carmi}.  Is that right?

Also, the gismu {fendi} is defined as "divide/partition...into...by
method...."  Here, we run into the ambiguity of using English as the
metalanguage:  If I pour water into two sides of a vessel separated by a
barrier, am *I* the one who "divides" the water into two parts, or is it
the partition?  Is this treading back to cleft places?  maybe "tu'a mi cu
fendi lei djacu"?  BTW, just for my own edification, what's the selma'o of
{tu'a} (that is, "zo tu'a cmavo ma?").

Stay tuned for a really neet translation (which may have already been
