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long-delayed response from pc - Lojban tense/abstraction biblio
- To: John Cowan <cowan@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>, Eric Raymond <eric@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>, Eric Tiedemann <est@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>
- Subject: long-delayed response from pc - Lojban tense/abstraction biblio
- From: Logical Language Group <cbmvax!uunet!GREBYN.COM!pucc.PRINCETON.EDU!lojbab>
- Reply-To: Logical Language Group <cbmvax!uunet!GREBYN.COM!pucc.PRINCETON.EDU!lojbab>
- Sender: Lojban list <cbmvax!uunet!CUVMA.BITNET!pucc.PRINCETON.EDU!LOJBAN>
A couple of months ago, someone asked about the reference for Lojban's
system of Aristotelian event abstractions. I think this was onl Lojban
List, but may possibly have been on conlang. In any case, pc finally
tracked down the references, which follow. For conlang people looking
to handle event abstractions and tense in a linguistically sophisticated
manner, these references may be useful. For Lojbanists, the references
identify where some of the basic comments pc used in formulating
requirements for Lojban's tense and abstraction system came from.
The stuff on events come mainly from:
Anthony Kenny, _Action, Emotion, and Will_, London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1963, esp. chap 8, pp 171-186. (The rest of that book might be
worth looking at for its stuff on emotions, looking towards cmavo. I
had forgotten it earlier.)
Kenny's system was a modification and improvement (he said) of one in
Aristotle. It was later developed by:
T.C. Potts, "States, Activities, and Performances", _Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, Supplement, 1965., pp 65-84. (There is a reply
following that, but it is mainly on historical issues, I think.)
Finally there are some things on cyclic and non-cylcic events - a
distinction important in many verb systems - in:
William E. Bull, _Time, Tense, and the Verb_, University of California
Publications in Linguistics 19, Berkeley: UC Press, 1960.
John Parks-Clifford, Philosophy Dept. University of Missouri, St. Louis
(not on net)
c/o lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA