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Jim Carter's translation

(Sorry: I meant to edit Jim's letter and send the edited version, and
because I forgot an "/edit" it went back out onto the net before I could
edit it.)

Jim Carter (jimc%MATH.UCLA.EDU@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU) writes:

>"61510::GILSON" <gilson%61510.decnet@CCF2.NRL.NAVY.MIL> writes
>> I want to say "I like to travel by train better than by bus or plane.

>litru = "x1 travels via route x2 by transport modality x3".  The
>sticking point was that the route is considered an essential place of
>litru-travel (or alternative choices of gismu); how to insure that a
>different route is allowed for each mode?  Quantification is done left
>to right, so if the modes are in the form of a conjunction with .e,
>subsequent instances of "da", and presumably also "zo'e", will have
>referents selected independently in each expanded sentence, which is
>what you want.

The problem is that I was told that "zo'e" only implies that the route
is unspecified, and I want to say that it is irrelevant. No usage with
"zo'e" for the route says what I really want to.
