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Lojbab asked for reader inferred place structures for the following:

    loi nimjizdunkri
    loi nimnaujizdunkri

Before reading the rest of his message I came up with:

    x1 is a

    ninmu         jinzi                      dunli                     krici
    woman type-of intrinsic-property type-of equality-property type-of believer
    x1 is a

    ninmu nanmu       jinzi                   dunli                  krici
    woman-man type-of intrinsic-property t-of equality-property t-of believer

both of which are very close to what Lojbab intended I infer.

I agree with lojbab

    that a reader of such a sentence [incorporating these lojban words]
    would easily be able to understand the lujvo and its place structure.

I think that the problems people fear are based on theoretical
possibilities rather than what happens in cooperative, everyday

By the way, for those who want to try the experiment, here are the
definitions from the 9/90 gismu list:

ninmu nim ni'u     woman                women
            x1 is a woman/women; x1 is a female person
                (not necessarily adult)

nanmu     nau      man
            x1 is a man/men; x1 is a male person (not necessarily adult)

jinzi jiz          innate
            x1 is an innate/inherent/intrinsic property/quality of x2

dunli dun du'i     equal
            x1 is equal to x2 in/on property/quality/dimension/quantity x3

krici          kri believe              creed
                    x1 believes that x2 is true