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Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Well, I finally reached my goal, getting to Genesis 2:3.  I edited all the
stuff I did before, so you'll see lots of differences from the earlier
version, if you still have it.  I'm pretty sure this is all grammatical,
but I'll have to check closely to make sure it's saying what I want it to
say (all terminators where they belong, etc).

You should note that I am a lousy translator, willing to sacrifice
intelligibility for the impossible-to-obtain fidelity to the original.  I
have done hideous things to keep the word order more or less the same as
the original has it, but I'm a little inconsistent here and there.
Similarly, I like to stick to a particular term for each occurence of a
term in the original.

Since I already did the first few days, I'm going to post all of this but
only talk about the last few days, leastways for now.  I'll need to go over
the earlier stuff, but I'll save that for another time.

ca lemu'e krasi ku finti fa la cevni le tsani .e le terdi
.i le terdi cu na'e seltarmi je kunti
.ijebo manku vi ga'u le condi
.ije le pruxi be la cevni cu fulta ga'u loi djacu
.i bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o gusni li'u
.ijebo gusni
.i zgana fa la cevni le gusni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i fedri'a fa la cevni fo le gusni ku ce le manku (ku)
.i te cmene fa la cevni le gusni zo dinri gi'e te cmene le manku zo nicte
.i vanci .i cerni .i pamei djedi

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o sligu ne'i loi djacu
gi'e fendi fi lei djacu ku ce lei djacu (ku) li'u
.ije zbasu fa la cevni le sligu
.ijebo fedri'a fo lei djacu poi gapru le sligu ku'o
ce lei djacu poi cnita le sligu
.i zasti
.i te cmene fa la cevni le sligu zo tsani
.i vanci .i cerni .i remoi djedi

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o se jmaji fa lei djacu poi cnita le tsani
fi pa stuzi
.iseri'abo se viska .e'o fa lei sudytumla li'u
.i zasti
.i te cmene fa la cevni lei sudytumla zo terdi gi'e te cmene lei te jmaji
be lei djacu zo xamsi
.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o ferti fa le terdi loi srasu je spati noi
se tsiju loi tsiju ku'o .e loi grute tricu noi cupra loi grute
noi lo tsiju be ra cu nenri ke'a ku'o ku'o zi'e pe vi le terdi li'u
.i zasti
.i cupra fa le terdi loi srasu je spati noi se tsiju loi jutsi tsiju ku'o
.e loi tricu poi cupra loi grute noi lo tsiju be ra cu nenri ke'a ku'o ku'o
zi'e ne ja'i lera jutsi
.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i vanci .i cerni .i cimoi djedi

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o tergusni tu'i le tsani sligu
.iseri'abo fendi .e'o fi le'e dinri ku ce le'e nicte
.ije sinxa ce cabysni ce djesni ce nacysni
.i ke'u.e'o tergusni tu'i le tsani sligu (fe) le terdi li'u
.i zasti
.i zbasu fa la cevni le re barda tergusni no'u le barda tergusni poi
turni le'e dinri ku'o jo'u le cmalu tergusni poi turni le'e nicte
ge'u .e loi tarci
.i punji fa la cevni ra le tsani sligu semu'i lenu te gusni lo terdi kei
.e lenu turni le'e dinri .e le'e nicte kei
.e lenu fendi fi le gusni ku ce le manku
.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i vanci .i cerni .i vomoi djedi

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o ferti fa lei djacu loi so'imei danlu
noi jmive .e loi cipni poi voirli'u ga'u lei terdi tu'i le tsani sligu
.i finti fa la cevni lei barda xasydanlu .e piro loi jmive poi
befydzu zi'epoi se ferti lei djacu (ku'o) zi'e ne ja'i lora jutsi ge'u
.e piro loi se nalci cipni ne ja'i lori jutsi
.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i cesto'edapma(?!?) ra fa la cevni secu'u lu ko seljbe je
so'imei gi'e se culno lei djacu pe ne'i lei xamsi
.ije .e'o loi cipni cu so'imei tu'i le terdi li'u
.i vanci .i cerni .i mumoi djedi

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o krasi fa le terdi loi jmive ne ja'i lori
jutsi zi'e no'u loi danlu ku joi loi befydzu ku joi loi terdi jmive
ne ja'i lori jutsi li'u
.i zasti
.i zbasu fa la cevni loi terdi jmive ne ja'i lori jutsi ge'u .e loi danlu
ne ja'i lori jutsi ge'u .e loi dertu befydzu ne ja'i lori jutsi
.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
.i bacru fa la cevni lu .ai mi zbasu loi remna ne ta'i le
se tarmi be mi
.i ra turni ba'a.e'a loi xamsi finpe .e loi tsani cipni .e loi danlu .e
piro loi terdi .e piro loi befydzu noi befydzu loi terdi li'u
.i finti fa la cevni loi remna goi fo'a ne ta'i le tarmi be vo'a
.i seri'a loza'i se tarmi le tarmi be la cevni cu finti fo'a (???)
.i seri'a loza'i nakni ce fetsi cu finti fo'a (???)
.i cesto'edapma(???!!) fo'a fa la cevni
.ije cusku fi fo'a fa la cevni fe lu ko seljbe je so'imei gi'e se culno loi
terdi gi'e jinga ri
.i ko turni loi xamsi finpe .e loi tsani cipni .e piro loi danlu poi
befydzu loi terdi li'u
.i cusku fa la cevni lu ju'i do'u mi dunda fi do fe piro loi srasu noi se
tsiju loi tsiju zi'enoi se stuzi lo sefta be piro loi terdi ku'o .e piro
loi tricu poi stuzi loi tricu grute
.i se ponse .e'o do mu'i lenu do citka .e'a do'a
.i go'i lu'a piro loi terdi jmive .e piro loi tsani cipni .e piro loi
befydzu be le terdi lu'u noi ke'a ponse lo jmive pruxi ku'o mu'i lenu citka
.e'a do'a li'u
.i zasti
.i zgana fa la cevni roda poi ri zbasu ku'o fi'o se jinvi loza'i mutce
.i vanci .i cerni .i xamoi djedi

mulno fa le tsani .ebo le terdi .e piro loi jenmi girzu pe ri
.i mulri'a fa la cevni ca le zemoi djedi levo'a se gunka (?) noi vo'a zbasu
.i cadysti fa la cevni ca le zemoi djedi piro leivo'a se gunka noi vo'a zbasu
.i cesto'edapma (/?!/) fa la cevni le zemoi djedi gi'e cesri'a ri ki'u lenu
ca ri cadysti piro lei se gunka poi la cevni cu finti je zbasu

Starting with Day 5

bacru fa la cevni lu .e'o ferti fa lei djacu loi so'imei danlu
noi jmive .e loi cipni poi voirli'u ga'u lei terdi tu'i le tsani sligu
(new) uttered "god" "(command!) be-fertile the-mass-of water [producing]
the-mass-of many-ish animals which-inc. live, and the-mass-of birds
which-restrictively flyingly-travel above the-mass-of earth,
assoc-with-site the sky-solid"
Note the VSO order.  That's what it is.  I think I'm a little inconsistent
with my le/lei/loi here.  Note, though, that "animals" and "birds" here are
singular in the Hebrew, thus massified.

.i finti fa la cevni lei barda xasydanlu .e piro loi jmive poi
befydzu zi'epoi se ferti lei djacu (ku'o) zi'e ne ja'i lora jutsi ge'u
.e piro loi se nalci cipni ne ja'i lori jutsi
Created "god" the-mass-of big-thing sea-animals and all-of the-mass-of
living-things which-rest. belly-walk and-which-rest.
are-the-result-of-the-fertility-of the-mass-of water and-inc.-assoc-with

.i zasti
My "and it was so".

.i zbasu fa la cevni loi terdi jmive ne ja'i lori jutsi ge'u .e loi danlu
ne ja'i lori jutsi ge'u .e loi dertu befydzu ne ja'i lori jutsi
And made "god" mass-of earth-livers inc-assoc with-rule the last's species,
and mass-of animals inc-assoc with-rule the last's species, and mass-of
soil bellywalkers inc-assoc with-rule the last's species.
Here, as above, the nouns are massified singulars, so we really are seeing
"Mr. Beast" here (or more accurately "Ms. Beast", since "beast" is

.i zgana fa la cevni fi'o se jinvi loza'i xamgu
Observes "god" with-opinion state-of good.

.i bacru fa la cevni lu .ai mi zbasu loi remna ne ta'i le
se tarmi be mi
Utters "god" "(intent!) I/we make mass-of humanity inc-assoc with-form
the shape of me/us.
Note that I have to attach the "ta'i" to "loi remna" (again, massified),
otherwise it implies that it is la cevni who has the shape, which is not
what the sentence is trying to say.  similarly in the following verses.
Note also that Lojban enables me to avoid the annoying point brought up by
many that this verse is actually in plural in the Hebrew, "Let us make Man
in our image".  I left out part of this verse, because I couldn't translate
it.  It's really something like "Let's make Man in our image according to
our likeness."  Those two points are too close for me to do them justice in
the translation.

.i ra turni ba'a.e'a loi xamsi finpe .e loi tsani cipni .e loi danlu .e
piro loi terdi .e piro loi befydzu noi befydzu loi terdi li'u
Something-recent rules (I expect!  permission!) mass-of sea fish and
mass-of sky birds and mass-of animals and all-of mass-of earth and all-of
mass-of bellywalkers which-inc bellywalk [on] mass-of earth"
I put in the "ra", implied only by the third-person-plural form of the verb
in Hebrew, because otherwise the assignment of x1 to "mi" is too
reasonable.  I didn't put in a tense, I think the UI's handle that ok, but
maybe one would go well.  The redundant bellywalking is found in the

.i finti fa la cevni loi remna goi fo'a ne ta'i le tarmi be vo'a
Invents "god" mass-of humans (=x6) inc-assoc with-form the-shape of
I decided to assign a KOhA because I use them a lot in the next two verses.
Well, twice anyway, and that seems enough, especially since I wouldn't feel
right restating the sumti and would resort to "ri/ra" or something.  I use
"fo'a" because this is of minor importance and temporary and I expect that
"ko'a" will be more useful for more permanent things.  I imagine any Bible
would keep God as "ko'a" most of the time.  Finally remembered the
existence of "vo'a", thankfully.  I am fond of using afterthought
possessives (as oppoed to"le vo'a tarmi"), especially here where it's
actually a place, and because in Hebrew the possessive is a declension
affecting chiefly the end of the word also, or else another word
afterwards.  Besides, you can be so much more specific with "po/po'e/pe" if
you use afterthought.  Note also that I had to attach the "ta'i" to "loi
remna" otherwise you get "'god' is-a-creator...with-form...", which again
isn't what we want.  Is there a better way to do this?

.i seri'a loza'i se tarmi le tarmi be la cevni cu finti fo'a (???)
With-result state-of: being-shaped-like the-shape-of "god", [something]
invents x6
Another way of indicating "In the image of God [he] created him".  The
ellipsis is in the original and quite natural to my ear.

.i seri'a loza'i nakni ce fetsi cu finti fo'a (???)
With-result state-of: being-male unordered-set-with being-female
[something] invents x6
Similar structure.  "fo'a" hides the change from singular-masculine pronoun
in last verse to plural pronoun in this one.  Is this an okay rendering of
"male and female [he] created them"?

.i cesto'edapma(???!!) fo'a fa la cevni
Holy-opposite-of-curses x6 "god"
Again, that annoying "cesto'edapma"

.ije cusku fi fo'a fa la cevni fe lu ko seljbe je so'imei gi'e se culno loi
terdi gi'e jinga ri
And expresses [to] x6 "god" "you! give-birth-and-be-many and be-filler-of
mass-of earth and conquer the-last
Again, inconsistent with my "loi terdi", I think.

.i ko turni loi xamsi finpe .e loi tsani cipni .e piro loi danlu poi
befydzu loi terdi li'u
You! rule mass-of sea fish and mass-of sky birds and all-of mass-of animals
which-rest. bellywalk [on] mass-of earth."

.i cusku fa la cevni lu ju'i do'u mi dunda fi do fe piro loi srasu noi se
tsiju loi tsiju zi'enoi se stuzi lo sefta be piro loi terdi ku'o .e piro
loi tricu poi stuzi loi tricu grute
Expresses "god" "attention!  I give to you all-of mass-of grass which-inc
is-beseeded-by mass-of seeds and-which-inc. has-site the surface of all-of
mass-of earth (close-rel), and all-of mass-of trees which-rest.
are-sites-of tree-fruit
Use "ju'i do'u" for "hinei", something like "Behold!" (basically I view this
as "Yo!")  Should the last "poi" be a "noi"?  probably not, but I suspect I
have a few errors with that here and there in this translation.

.i se ponse .e'o do mu'i lenu do citka .e'a do'a
[Something] belongs-to (command!) you, motivated-by the-event: you eat
(permission! generosity!)
Deviated a little from the structure of the original for smoother Lojban,
but not much.  Sentence break is a little weird, but I think it's better
this way.

.i go'i lu'a piro loi terdi jmive .e piro loi tsani cipni .e piro loi
befydzu be le terdi lu'u noi ke'a ponse lo jmive pruxi ku'o mu'i lenu citka
.e'a do'a li'u
Ditto the-members-of: all-of (mass-of earth-livers and all-of mass-of sky
birds and all-of mass-of bellywalkers-on-the-earth)
which-inc.-are-such-that they(the members above) possess a living-thing
spirit, (close-rel) motivated-by the-event: eaters (permission!
The verb is absent here, so I think "go'i" works well.  I wanted the
relative clause, stated only once, to apply to all the critters named, so I
had to find a way to sort of group all of them together.  I think the
lu'a/lu'u is right, tho maybe something else for "lu'a"?

.i zasti

.i zgana fa la cevni roda poi ri zbasu ku'o fi'o se jinvi loza'i mutce
Observes "god" all-x1 which the-last makes (close-rel) with-opinion
state-of: muchly good
Expanded version of my usual.  I probably could have just done "ro se
zbasu", but felt like being more expansive.  I believe "da" is not
anaphorable, so "ri" has to refer to "la cevni".

.i vanci .i cerni .i xamoi djedi
Evening.  Morning.  Sixth day.
The Hebrew has a definite article on the name of the day, something that's
not there for the others, but I couldn't figure out how to put it there (or
even what it means), so left it out.

mulno fa le tsani .ebo le terdi .e piro loi jenmi girzu pe ri
(newnew) complete the sky-and-the earth and all-of mass-of army group
restric.-assoc-with the-last
Kinda dippy for "their hosts" or whatever, but the best I could come up
with.  I use ".ebo" to stick "le tsani" and "le terdi" together tighter
than the next sumti, in the hopes that maybe "ri" could refer to both of
them together.  Maybe forget that and use "rajoiri" instead?

.i mulri'a fa la cevni ca le zemoi djedi levo'a se gunka (?) noi vo'a zbasu
Complete-makes "god" during the seventh day x1's("god"'s) thing-worked-on
which-inc. x1("god") makes
Again remembered "vo'a".  Is it okay to use it inside a "noi" clause to
refer to the x1 outside, or does that have to be flagged?  "gunka" is
likely the wrong gismu; doesn't fit the meaning well.  Or maybe it does.
The old "-ri'a" semi-dikyjvo formation comes in handy.

.i cadysti fa la cevni ca le zemoi djedi piro leivo'a se gunka noi vo'a
Idly-ceases "god" during the seventh day all-of mass-of x1's
thing-worked-on which-inc x1 makes.
Used "cadysti" for the verb which implies cessation and sort of rest.  It's
okay; maybe a tanru would be nicer.  Why do I massify here?  not sure.  Can
you "sisti le se gunka", or do you really need a "lenu gunka" or something
(or tu'a le se gunka...)?

.i cesto'edapma (/?!/) fa la cevni le zemoi djedi gi'e cesri'a ri ki'u lenu
ca ri cadysti piro lei se gunka poi la cevni cu finti je zbasu
Holy-opposite-of-curses "god" the seventh day and holy-makes the-last
justified-by the-event: during the-last idly-ceases all-of the-mass-of
that-worked-on which-rest. "god" invents-and-makes.
Again that "blesses" lujvo.  Should that be "poi" or "noi"?  Is it okay to
use "ri'a" in "cesria", or do I need a different causative?

Well, I think I've rambled way plenty for now.  More on this if/when I ever
get a chance.

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  o   o     o     o         o     o     o   o      o     o     o     N2KOT
Mark E. Shoulson:  shoulson@ctr.columbia.edu