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Unofficial alphabet lists for Lojban/Latin/English, Greek, and Russian

The following lists note proposed letteral names for some of the standard
alphabets supported by the Lojban lerfu system.  Each letter is given in the
usual order, with the corresponding lerfu underneath.  In addition, the
alphabet-shift letteral that establishes that alphabet is given in parentheses
after the English name.  Except for these shifts and the
letterals used by Lojban itself (the Latin alphabet excluding h, q, w),
these tables are proposals only.

Latin alphabet (lo'a):

        a       b       c       d       e       f       g       h
        .abu    by      cy      dy      .ebu    fy      gy      y'ybu

        i       j       k       l       m       n       o       p
        .ibu    jy      ky      ly      my      ny      .obu    py

        q       r       s       t       u       v       w       x
        kybu    ry      sy      ty      .ubu    vy      vybu    xy

        y       z
        .ybu    zy

Greek alphabet (ge'o):

        alpha   beta    gamma   delta   epsilon zeta    eta     theta
        .abu    by      gy      dy      .ebu    zy      etas.bu tybu

        iota    kappa   lambda  mu      nu      xi      omicron pi
        .ibu    ky      ly      my      ny      kybu    .obu    py

        rho     sigma   tau     upsilon phi     chi     psi     omega
        ry      sy      ty      .ubu    fy      xy      pybu    omegas.bu

Russian alphabet (ru'o):

        a       b       v       g       d       ye      yo      z
        .abu    by      vy      gy      dy      .iebu   .iobu   zy

        zh      i       short i k       l       m       n       o
        jy      .ibu    tordubu ky      ly      my      ny      .obu

        p       r       s       t       u       kh      f       ts
        py      ry      sy      ty      .ubu    xy      fy      sybu

        ch      sh      shch    e       hard    yeri    soft    ya
        cybu    cy      cybubu  .ebu    jdaribu .ybu    rantibu .iabu


Hebrew alphabet (je'o):

        aleph   bet     gimel   daled   he      vav     zayin   khet
        alef.bu by      gy      dy      y'y     vy      zy      xy

        tet     yud     kaf     lamed   mem     nun     samekh  ayin
        ty      iy.bu   ky      ly      my      ny      sy      .ayin.bu

        pe      tzadi   quf     resh    shin    tof     (dagesh)
        py      sybu    kybu    ry      cy      tybu    (dagec.bu)

All this is my own invention, and needs to be checked by people with the
appropriate alphabetical intuitions.  Hebrew vowel points need to be added.
We also need Arabic (which has the shift letteral "jo'o"), and it would be
most useful to have Devanagari and Japanese kana as well.
Volunteers are solicited.

cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!cbmvax!snark!cowan
                e'osai ko sarji la lojban