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rafsi change proposal

The following rafsi assignment changes will be implemented with the new
gismu list.  The change is in response to the significant increase in
use/scope of selci as a basic subunit in lujvo, which finds it most
often in the final position of source tanru for lujvo.  Ad-hoc lujvo
involving selci are easily made, and while we would desire "selfu" to
have a final position rafsi, its use in that position is less productive
of lujvo than selci.

This change also causes emphasis of the broad meaning of selci, which
recently confused Nick, among others, when I used it in the song
translation from Gilbert & Sullivan.

This is the first change in rafsi assignments explicitly due to
observations of lujvo usage.  Changes like this are expected to be rare,
especially after the first books come out, although the rafsi list will
be baselined formally as late as possible, to allow recognition of
lujvo-making usage.

Comments on this change are welcome.

sefta     sfe      surface   [was sef sfe]

x1 is a surface/face (bounded shape/form) of (higher-dimension) object
x2, side x3, bounds x4

selci     sle      cell      [was - none]

x1 is a cell/atom/unit of x2; x1 is a whole, most basic subunit of x2;
(cf. figurative 'atom')

selfu sef          serve     [was sle]

x1 serves x2 with service x3; x1 is a servant (noun) of x2 performing x3

lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
         2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA