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Re: What is Shoebox?
la mark. clsn. cusku di'e
> It has neat ways of storing lexicons and corpuses (corpi?),
"Corpora" is correct. I can't resist quoting a bit of Quine here:
>Agenda< [a Latin plural, "things to be done" - jc] is treated as an
ordinary count noun: 'There is a short agenda'. I am now on
the lookout for the crowning irony: a learned re-Latinization
of >agendas< as >agendae<....
Though >agendae< is still in merciful abeyance at last reports,
other pseudo-Latin plurals assail us.... We have all heard
>octopi<, and I am braced for duck-billed >platypi<. Read ...
>octopodes< and >platypodes<, or, excusably, >octopoda<
and >platypoda<. We hear >rhinoceri< and perhaps >rhinoceroi<,
but both are wrong; the Greek lexicon rewards us with
>rhinocerotes< [four syllables! - jc] and impels us to go out of
our way to refer to the grim beast in the plural whenever
occasion can be contrived.
>Quora< and >ignorami< I have yet to encounter.... [They] are
already Latin plurals in irrelevant ways.... >Cauci<, >doldra<,
and >hoodla< I have likewise been spared....
cowan@snark.thyrsus.com ...!uunet!cbmvax!snark!cowan
e'osai ko sarji la lojban
- References:
- What is Shoebox?
- From: "Mark E. Shoulson" <cbmvax!uunet!ctr.columbia.edu!shoulson>