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Re: More Text From Dave Young

> Coi!
> Get ready for double > quotes :-)
> >> .i ko'a goi le barda ke selbevri bloti
> >By the end, I understood "selbevri bloti", but it was not a clear tanru
> >- I wondered what kind of boat was a "carried boat".
> OK this is one of the one I knew was on shakey ground but had no other
> solution for.  Nora had similar difficulty.  However if you look @ the
> place structure of bloti on "new" word list(the one labeled 01417)
> the second place is the "be-carried" thing and is designated as cargo
> I was trying for cargo boat.  I don't have any other ideas as to how to
> convey the concpet. I am open to suggestions :-)

I didn't get it - I thought it was "passenger ship"!
Try "nalprenu bloti" or "gundi bloti" or "selvecnu bloti" or "selgundi
bloti" - all slightly different, and none of them quite general enough.

> >I don't find "citri bloti" a clear tanru, though I understood it.
> This is one where I wasn't sure how to "say" it so guessed.
> historical boat(ship), any suggestions.
"cirmisno" might be better.

> The grammactical errors.... ick
> gu'i seldaspo
> be'o le nu la titanic seldaspo
> "la taitanik" vs. "la taitanik"
> If you you'd be so kind:
> What does gu'i do?  and what's you interpetation of what it ddi in that
> sentence?  I had a case "gee we just learned this in class lets try it...BOOM"
> when it came to the perfective tense, ba'o is what I intended.

As far as I can see, it's ungrammatical. "gu'i" means 'forethought tanru
connective ?', so
	do gu'i xagji gi taske
=	do xagji je'i taske
=	you are hungry how-connected thirsty
(answers "gu'e" = both, "nagu'e" hungry but not thirsty etc.)

I can't see any way you can have meant this, so I will continue to
assume that you meant "go'i", in which case:

> >> .i ko'e cu cusku lu ma noi citri bloti pu janli le barda bisli .ije
> >>    gu'i seldaspo li'u le pamoi gunka po ko'a

	.ije go'i seldaspo
=	.ije janli be le barda bisli be'o seldaspo (I think)
=	'And colliding with the big ice was destroyed'
which is probably what you meant. I'm not entirely sure whether I've got
right the effect of using go'i in a tanru when the previous bridi had
trailing arguments.

So I gues if you correct gu'i to go'i, you're right. I didn't see it at
first ,though.

> >> .i le remoi gunka cu bacru lu pa ci vo ze li'u
> >Preferably "lu li pacivoze li'u"
> What's you opinion on what it does to the translation to add the spaces?

It's not the spaces I'm bothered about but the 'li'.
