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Re: TECH.QUERY: zo bancu cu mo zo zmadu leka smuni

There are situations where "beyond" is appropriate but where "more than"
is at least confusing.  Nora gave me the example "The tree is beyond the
fence".  But what is the tree more than?  You could say that the tree's
distance from you is more than the fence's distance from you (but if the fence
is an irregular curve, ther emay be parts of the fence that are farther
from you than the tree is, so you have to be careful about wording).

Nora notes that in some sense, all indications of degree are subject to this
argument.  Why do we need "less than" since we have "more than"?  Does "barda"
have any meaning without something that it is bigger than (JCB argued this
and put the smaller thing in the place structure; we recognized that something
can be recognized as large without necessarily having a particular smaller
thing to be compared with.)
