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TECH: Some thoughts on using fonts + uuencoded demo.dvi

>  Date:     Thu, 24 Sep 1992 08:15:52 -0500
>  When I was preparing a LaTeX formatted gismu list I found
>  out that using typewriter font for the entry word gismu
>  produced a quite pleasing result as all the gismu are
>  exactly 5 letters long

Glad to see my point remade.  In my opinion this is the main reason
for using monospace for Lojban.

>  Lojban only text is more enigmatic. Somehow I don't like
>  to use roman font. Typewriter font is OK but it is, well,
>  like typewritten.

Not necessarily.  Not unless your interword spaces are equally wide,
so the letters come out aligned in columns as well as rows.  Many
printers (the NEC Pinwriter I used while at Brandeis comes to mind)
combine monospace founts with stretchable/shrinkable interword space,
and that doesn't look typewritten, yet gives you the benefit of
suggestive word box width.
