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RE: Re: CAFE.INT lo ke'unai lisri pe la jbolanzu kafybarja
> >.i bazi lenu mi'a simxu lenu rinsa kuku lo nanmu poi nanca li so'a
> >cu klama fole na'e sirji ne'i le barja gi'e co'a zutse ca'u mi
la nitcion. zo'u
> What isn't straight? ("Apart from me", he stops himself from saying :) :)
> The two axes? Not that obvious in context.
No, it was meant to be the _route_ (or the manner) by which he came in
which wasn't straight. It sounds like this doesn't work. Perhaps
I could try {pu'e le na'e sirje}.
> >.i le nanmu goi ko'a cusku le se du'u ri puzi se gunta lo puzu respa
> >pe la'o ly. Saurischia ly.
> Given that Cowan decided {cusku} takes a {lu...li'u} as its 2nd argument,
> shouldn't this be {du'u}? I thought a {se du'u} was a {nu}.
You had me worried there for a moment :) There was a long exchange about
this about two months ago, involving la kau,n. and la lojbab.,
which I eventually managed to dig out, the outcome being
that the published definition of {cusku} is wrong.
It _does_ take a {lu ... li'u} as its 2nd argument, but this is a
{se du'u}. {le du'u broda} is the same as {la'e le se du'u broda}.
> >.isemu'ibo lego'i cpedu lenu mi curmi lenu te dunda lenu bilga
> >lenu kurji ko'e
> I'm not at all comfortable with this use of {dunda}. Not that it's necessarily
> relevant, but I'm reminded of Schank's distinction between PTRANS (physical
> transfer) and ATRANS (abstract transfer --- I think) in his semantic
> primitives.
I wasn't too keen on {dunda}, but {benji} specifically says
"no (complete) alienation from origin is implied", which is not
at all what I wanted. Answers on a postcard, please :)
> >.i mi je'a curmi gi'eja'ebo kiku nu'i bi'ogi cala'edi'u gi caku
> >dunda loi cidja .e loi djacu ko'e
> >gi'e satre ko'e gi'e fi lenu cadzu cu kansa fe ko'e
> Your grammar is garbled here. Where does the termset end? And your {gi'e}
> has no selbri following it.
You might be right, but I don't see it at the moment. The termset ends
with the {ku}, which I don't even think is strictly necessary. Which
{gi'e} were you worried about? The last one has {kansa} as its selbri.
Oh, I see the problem - you're right. That's annoying, all the sumti
have to _follow_ the selbri after a gihek. I might use {.ije} instead.
> >.i lu<< na birti .i mapaunai jimpe le stura bele menli belei puzu respa
> I'd rather {no prenu cu jimpe}, myself...
Wot, no rhetorical questions in Lojban?