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Outstanding issues in lujvo list

The following lujvo in the list of lujvo in all text to date have given
me problems in assigning them place structures, usually because I don't have
the context in which they were used. Your suggestions are welcome.

!bancycripu              beyond+bridge: insufficient info
!batkalri                out+open: insufficient info
!biflu'a                 breeze+loose: insufficient info
!cimpi'a                 moist+picture: insufficient info
!ctuci'u                 teach+read: insufficient info
!da'ecma                 pressure+small: insufficient info
!da'erca'u               pressure+space: insufficient info
!daxsarcu                nizba'u daxsarcu: "THWACO" (of roleplaying games):
 insufficient info: base tanru not that good
!famdakfu                end+knife: insufficient info
!jduboi                  jelly+ball: insufficient info
!kaijbi                  quality+near: insufficient info
!karboi                  open+ball: insufficient info
!ki'ijdi                 related+decide: insufficient info
!klerafsi                class+affix: insufficient information
!leivla                  class+word: insufficient info
!linselni'a              line+2nd-conversion+beneath: insufficient info
!lojypli                 logic+use: insufficient info
!maurderxi               more+heap: insufficient info
!moinri'ara'u            dead+cause+trouble: insufficient info
!mojypei                 remember+think: insufficient info
!morsisti                pattern+cease: insufficient info
!naljizykai              scalar-contrary+innate+quality: insufficient info
!nitspa                  beneath+plant: insufficient info
!nunci'ebasti            event-abstract+system+replace: systematic replacement?
 insufficient info
!nunseltickri            event-abstract+2nd-conversion+deceive+believe:
 insufficient info
!ralva'i                 principal+value: insufficient info
!rijnysi'a               silver+esteem: insufficient info
!salja'o                 celebrate+show: insufficient info
!sampei                  computer+think: insufficient info
!samstu                  computer+site: insufficient info
!selskure'i              2nd-conversion+express+ready: insufficient info
!slamidju                old+middle: insufficient info
!slukemcalkyfi'e         muscle+start-grouping+shell+fish: insufficient info
!snedanmo                dream+smoke: insufficient info
!sneke'u                 dream+recur: insufficient info
!solroi                  solar+rock: insufficient info
!spezau                  married+approve: insufficient info
!stufai                  site+distribute: insufficient info
!ta'ebra                 box+apparatus: insufficient info
!taxmi'i                 box+machine: insufficient info
!varselclu               air+2nd-conversion+full: insufficient info
!xluga'i                 influence+modify: insufficient info
!zbaselmi'a              make+2nd-conversion+add: insufficient info
!zbaske                  make+science: insufficient info

Furthermore, Iain, in going through the list, raised the following issues:

barzu'e: (to grow [tr.])
        I think we ought to rationalise the causatives, and use
{gasnu} for agentives, {rinka} for causative events, and
{zukte} if we want to talk about the purpose of the action.

cnimu'i: (slogan)
        Hmmm, I think there's already been a discussion about motive
vs. purpose.  But I'm not sure I'd understand this one any better
as {cniterzu'e}.

cumselpei: (can be considered, can be thought of)
        I'm surprised how few "-able"s ({lujvo co me la'e zo cumki}) turned up,
but I think we ought to standardise the construction a bit.  Personally
I think I prefer it the other way round - {selpeicumki}, but the place
structure might be more obvious this way round.

        I don't think we can have both this and {fagysti} - or can we?
The new {sisti} suggests, but doesn't necessitate, an external
agent, which makes it ambiguous in tanru.  And then there's {cadysti},
whose underlying tanru could equally well mean "stop and rest",
"get moving" (intransitive), or "stimulate into action".  That's in
the nature of tanru, but the lujvo has to mean precisely one of those,
and I think we ought to be as consistent as possible in any "official"
lujvo list.

(In the original list, ji'esti was to go extinct, to perish; fagysti to
extinguish a fire; cadysti to stop and rest.)

nalsisti: (active [of volcano])
        We might want this to be "ceaseless" ("relentless").

nizysla: (age)
        Surely not - this must be "familiarity".  {nizyto'ecitno} (ugh).

to'ercumki: (impossible)
        I'd probably say {nalcumki} - I suppose it depends whether you
think there's really a scale of values here.

        If we _do_ make this mean "vowel", and presumably {nalvoksylerfu}
for "consonant", then we get {voksa nalvoksylerfu} for "voiced
consonant", etc.  Duhhh.

'Dera me xhama t"e larm"e,            T  Nick Nicholas, EE & CS, Melbourne Uni
 Dera mbas blerimit                   |  nsn@munagin.ee.mu.oz.au (IRC: nicxjo)
 Me xhama t"e larm"e!                 |  Milaw ki ellhnika/Esperanto parolata/
 Lumtunia nuk ka ngjyra tjera.'       |  mi ka'e tavla bau la lojban. je'uru'e
 - Martin Camaj, _Nj"e Shp'i e Vetme_ |                *d'oh!*