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Re: Outstanding issues in lujvo list
Nick, two of the words come from John Cowan's Hakka tale:
ni'o le bruna cu kenkakpa sepi'o lo famdakfu
.ije le mamta cu pensi selraktu
go1 zy3 cok8 cok8, oi1 zy3 pak8 sok8
ge1 zi zao2 zao2, mu3 zi bai2 -
brother chisel bore mother waste thoughts
[new-topic] The brother hole-digs with-tool an edge-knife.
And the mother is think-betroubled.
.i le cabna mamta ta'e plafinti
le nu moinri'ara'u la .asun.
heu4 oi1 cung3 siong3 hoi4 si3 a1 sun4
hou4 mu3 zong2 xiang3 hai4 si3 a1 shun4
stepmother always think murder Asun
The present mother habitually plan-creates
the event-of death-cause-trouble for-Asun
(I didn't like this luvjo at the time)