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Elitism/SS/Multi-Objective fitness/Competitive Co-Evolution...


A bit off any of the current threads, there are some points/questions
with respect to GP strategies I'd like to bounce off the list and
see what kind of feedback I can generate. Hopefully this won't turn
into too much of a rambling mess....

Steady State Populations as a way to avoid Elitism:
I've run GP where it came quite close to finding the "right" (or at
least a very good) answer early on in the run, only to let the
individual die at the roll of a die. Hmmmm. When elitism is not
used, the score of the best individual from generation to generation
looks like a roller coaster ride. Of course the average score of
the population grows steadily, but elitism really seems to pull
things along. Unfortunately, I don't like elitism. The only alternative
I've found is a steady state population where the "bums" with the
lowest fitness score get pushed off the bottom of the list by 
new-comers w/ better fitnesses. Detractors state that I'm losing
genetic diversity - and I agree. On the other hand, I'm still 
getting good results. Do others have experience to indicate the
loss of genetic diversity and its subsequent (possibly premature)
convergence are a problem in some domains? Comments on Elitism?
I've had quite a bit of luck w/ Steady State Populations in general.
Although I don't want to make any wild claims, the populations
converged to a "good" answer in quite a bit less time (individuals
evaluated) than a batch/generational approach. 

Multi-objective optomization (fitness):
The approach people (and The Book) seem to take here are
either penalty methods or a weight applied to each element of
the fitness vector and the weighted elements summed to get
a single scalar fitness value. The example in the book is:
     fitness = 0.75*(correctness) + 0.25*(efficiency)
In the field of machine control, what we generally want to do
is put the machine in some state. This is often done by
maintaining an error variable (E) which indicates distance from
an objective, and by extension dE/dt, and ddE. The objective could
be to minimize the Error and dError over some time interval. Thus we
get something like:
    fitness = A * Error + B * dError (where lower values of fitness are better)
If A is to large with respect to B we get overshoot and a fair amount
of ringing around the target state. If B is to large, it takes forever
to converge. In other words, we've got a PD controller in the fitness
computation. Now we're reduced to "twiddling the knobs" to find a
"good" ration for A and B. Very problem specific. Very messy. Comments?

Multiple Element Output Vectors ("Lists" in Ch. 19 of the Book):
As populations of these "vectors" evolve, it would seem that the trees
associated with each element of the list are aquireing "good" structures
appropriate to their particular list elements. This being the case,
would we be wise to constrain ourselves to crossover between like
list elements - or to madly swap genetic material in and out of
any tree belonging to any list element as the die dictates. The
former would limit genetic diversity, but the latter could easily
scramble a good solution. The results I've gotten to date have been
very mixed and I'm curious to hear what others think or have done
WRT this problem.

Competitive Environments:
In a control problem where we are trying to, say, a solve toy problem like
the inverted pendulum, it is pretty easy to get GP to come up w/ a controller.
To be fair, it is pretty easy to come up w/ a fuzzy or neural controller
via GA or temporal difference techniques [with or without a critic]. Most
of these train in a pretty nice, noise free simulated environment where a
potential controller can sit and bang things around a bit. It is a bit
more difficult to make a controller that will work in a robust manner in
a varying environment. Competitive Co-Evolution where two groups of controllers
are evolved - one that tries to stand up the pendulum, and another that
tries to knock it over is a technique that comes to mind. Unfortunately,
the problem is extra-ordinarily biased towards the critters that want
to knock the controller down - and they usually find ways to take advantage
of that bias. Is there an obvious way to even up the odds in a general
way for problems with a built-in imbalance? Comments?


William C. Archibald			Nippon Motorola, Ltd.
billa@tdo.sps.mot.com			    Tokyo, Japan