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TECH: Proposed new rafsi for NU cmavo

Nick Nicholas has proposed that all the abstractors of selma'o NU receive
rafsi.  Currently, only some NUs have rafsi: the others have conventional
equivalents based on the gismu from which the NU was etymologically derived.
The etymological link can be less than vivid: it is meant as a memory hook,
not as any kind of equivalent (unlike the BAI situation).

Here is a table of NU cmavo, the related gismu, the proposed rafsi, and
a change note.  This list constitutes newly created proposals 223-229
of the rafsi review.  Please comment ASAP.

nu      fasnu           nun                     no change
ka      ckaji           kam                     #34; was kaz
ni      klani           nil                     #36; was niz
jei     jetnu           jez                     no change
li'i    lifri           liz                     #223; was "lifrysucty"
si'o    sidbo           siz                     #224; was "sidbysucty"
su'u    sucta           sus                     #225; was "sucty"
du'u    -----           dum                     introduced pre-review
pu'u    pruce           pup                     #226; was "prucynun"
za'i    zasti           zam                     #227; was "zastynun"
zu'o    zukte           zum                     #228; was "zuktynun"
mu'e    mulno           mub                     #229; was "mulnynun"

Note: All of these rafsi are currently free (as of the changes made by the
review), so no gismu or other cmavo are being "booted out".

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.