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Re: Animal {gismu}
la kris. cusku di'e
> Very definitely, the creatures identified are all important in one way or
> another. We could also have a 'catch-all' for the local worrisome insect --
> in South Africa it was mosquitoes, here it is sandflies.
"civla", meaning louse/flea, can be very well extended to any parasitic
insect, or even to scorpions.
> Just to mess things up because animals do not split neatly into species. The
> latest evidence claims that the DNA distance between chimps and us is less
> than half the distance between either and gorillas and hence any reasonable
> classification should at least acknowledge this (%-}. I realise that the
> human - non-human split is probably too firmly entrenched to expunge, but it
> woule be nice to at least think about it. Alternatively lump us all together
> with some prefix to distinguish between the various species (the
> Pongid/Hominid split is totally artificial).
Yes, I know about that. I probably should have given "remna" a pathname of
"Vertebrata:Mammalia:Primates:Hominidae" (not ":Homo", because that would
exclude Australopithecus and the like). But I have no trouble with saying
mi smani
I am a primate.
because any primate is a {smani}.
Sidenote: My very favorite Linnean binomial, which describes the boa
constrictor: >Boa constrictor<.
John Cowan cowan@snark.thyrsus.com ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
e'osai ko sarji la lojban.