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TEXT.BEG zabna-cmalu xi pa
ui le frili se ciska cu cfari
Upon arrival, I convert the Iain Alexander zabna-cmalu text to
zabna-cmalu xi pa
ni'o mi jelca-gasnu lemi tanko-sigarete
.i mi pilno lemi jelca-gasnu-cabra lenu go'i
.i mi se nandu lenu sazri lemi jelca-gasnu-cabra
.i ri so'amei kunti
.i leri livla bazi mo'u se xaksu
"zabna-cmalu" is much easier to read than zabnycmalu, while "zabna cmalu"
loses the information that a lujvo rather than a tanru was used.
With jelca-gasnu I see a gasoline soaked cigarette going up in flames.
Perhaps jelca-cfari-gasnu is clearer?
I ponder over so'amei for a few minutes, then realize "so'amei kunti"
is a tanru.
I ponder over mo'u for a day. Does this mean there is a process or
some linear sequence associated with the bridi?
Say a wall is rusting. When the wall is covered with rust, do we
le bitmu cu mo'u xunre
With a white wall being painted green, at some point do we have
le bitmu cu mo'u crino
What is the semantics of mo'u?
I can read this text with some difficulty. Not expanding the lujvo
makes reading impossible. I do not find the interlineals helpful,
but I spend a lot of time memorizing gismu.
I try to understand in lojban rather than translating to English.
Frank Schulz ( fschulz@pyramid.com )