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Re: TECH: anniversary
Please check the latest revision of citsi - I think I sent you the gismu list
after I revised it. But I specifically have made it clear that multiyear
anniversaries can also be covered as a non-default, and annual anniversaries
are clearly within the normal default of the place structure.
The place structure I have right now is:
citsi season x1 is a season/is
seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3
3e 15 [also anniversary, jubilee; the period of time may be short or long
as indicated b
y x2, and may occur every year or every nth year as indicated by x3 (default
every year); (x2 and/or x3 may need metaphorical restriction: djecitsi,
pavdeicitsi; also equinox, solstice, time of year]; (cf. cedra, crisa, critu,
dunra, ranji, temci, ve