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Reading EBNF
It sounds like Rob has roughly the same problem I do with the BNF
grammar. I can read it, but it's a struggle to use it, because
the YACC grammar is so much clearer on what is legal, and uses no
It helps to edit the distributed EBNF to line up `=', to list some of
the multiple options on separate lines, to re-order options on the
right hand side, and to insert page breaks in front of section
headings to avoid page breaks in the middle of a rule.
The editing adds nearly 50% more lines to
the EBNF, lengthening it from 196 lines to 287 lines.
Here is a listing of the sections:
Lines per page : Section Title
58: John Cowan's BNF: 26 Feb 91
63: Lojban Machine Grammar, BNF Version,
63: sumti
49: MEX
61: Connectors
29: Free
Here is an illustration of re-ordering options:
utterance<20> = sentence | prenex | relative-clauses
| links | linkargs | term ... /VAU#/
| (ek | gihek | zihek) #
| quantifier /POhO#/ | NA /POhO#/
which replaces the original:
utterance<20> = (ek | gihek | zihek) # | quantifier /POhO#/ | NA /POhO#/ |
term ... /VAU#/ | prenex | relative-clauses | links | linkargs |
with more easily comprehended terms, such as {sentence}, {prenex}, and
{relative-clauses} in the first line.
Here is an extract from the obsolete version of 20 July 1990,
incorporating fixes 1-19, of 24 February 1991:
text<0> = [(CMENE ... #) | (indicators & free ...)] [joik-jek]
[I | NIhO ... # ] paragraphs /FAhO/
paragraphs<4> = utt-string [NIhO ... # paragraphs]
utt-string<10> = utt-string-1
[I [jek | joik] # (utt-string-1 | /POhO#/)] ...
utt-string-1<11> = utt-string-2 [I [jek | joik] [stag] BO #
(utt-string-1 | /POhO#/)]
utt-string-2<12> = utterance | [prenex | tag] TUhE paragraphs /TUhU#/
utterance<20> = sentence | prenex | relative-clauses
| links | linkargs | term ... /VAU#/
| (ek | gihek | zihek) #
| quantifier /POhO#/ | NA /POhO#/
prenex<30> = term ... ZOhU #
sentence<40> = [prenex] sentence-1 | bridi-tail
sentence-1<41> = term ... [/CU#/] bridi-tail
| gek sentence-1 gik sentence-1
bridi-tail<50> = bridi-tail-1 | gek-tail | tagged-tail
bridi-tail-1<53> = bridi-base [gihek bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] ...
bridi-tail-2<62> = bridi-base [gihek [stag] BO # bridi-tail-2]
bridi-base<63> = selbri tail-terms
[gihek [stag] KE # bridi-tail /KEhE#/] ...
tail-terms<71> = [term ...] /VAU#/
gek-tail<51> = gek bridi-tail gik bridi-tail
| NA gek-tail
| NA tagged-tail
tagged-tail<52> = tag KE gek-tail /KEhE#/
term<81> = sumti
| (tag | FA #) (sumti | /KU#/)
| termset
| NA KU #
termset<83> = NUhI [NAhE] gek term ... /NUhU#/ gik term ... /NUhU#/
| NUhI term ... /NUhU#/ ek # term ... /NUhU#/
sumti<90> = sumti-1 [(joik # | ek #) sumti-1] ...
sumti-1<91> = sumti-2 [ek [stag] BO # sumti-1]
sumti-2<92> = sumti-3 [ek [stag] KE # sumti /KEhE#/] ...
sumti-3<93> = [quantifier] sumti-4 |
quantifier [quantifier] selbri /KU#/ [relative-clauses]
sumti-4<96> = (LAhE | NAhE BO #) sumti-3
| sumti-5 [relative-clauses]
| gek sumti gik sumti-3