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   1. The evidential "ba'a" ... means that the statement is justified by
      future events as anticipated by the speaker ...

As Nick Nicholas suggests, keep as is.

   2. The discursives "va'i" and "ke'u" both represent scales referring to
   repeating what has been said vs. saying something new.

   "va'i" means "in other words" and "va'inai" means "repeating the
   same words".

   "ke'u" means "repeating the same idea" and "ke'unai" means
   "continuing to a new idea".

This is confusing and worth changing.  Other things being eaul, I
would change {ke'u}: I find that in my conversation I am more likely
to remember that I should signal that I am "continuing to a new idea"
than that I am repeating myself.  My listeners notice when I repeat
myself...but I don't...:-)

The problem is that "ke'u" is hooked to {krefu} and is well defined as is:

    ke'u      UI3   repeating
                      discursive: repeating - continuing

    krefu ref     ke'u recur
                    x1 (event) is the x3'rd recurrence/repetition of x2
                    (abstract); x2 happens again in [form] x1 %% 7j 56

However, {va'i} is easy to change, and indeed you can easily argue
that the default of something associated with `word' should be `more
of the same', i.e., "in the same words".

    va'i      UI3   in other words
                      discursive: in other words - in the same words

    valsi val vla      word
                    x1 is a word meaning/causing x2 in language x3 %% 1b 183

{va'i} then becomes an expression to use then you are disgusted that
someone is repeating themselves, even by using the same phrases, as is
often a problem for politicians and other public speakers.   Repeating
yourself can get really boring....:-)

    Robert J. Chassell               bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
    Rattlesnake Mountain Road        bob@grackle.stockbridge.ma.us
    Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA   (413) 298-4725