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Re: anyone wanna make some lujvo???
> It's always easier to criticise somebody else's ideas than
> come up with my own, so sorry Jorge!
fi'i doi kolin mi se xamgu le nu djuno le du'u da tcidu le se finti be mi
> +++++>
> > immobility (F*)immobilite' (S)immovilidad
> le nu na'e ca'a se muvdu ???
> >++++++
> No, that '-ility' means a 'ka'e
> lo nu na ka'e se muvdu
I'm not so sure the French word refers to that. The Spanish (inmovilidad, BTW)
suggests to me that voluntary immobility is included. Which negative is best
I can't say.
> lo ka vitno se diklo
I think it has to do with movement rather than confinement.
Perhaps: lo ka vitno narmu'u
> ++++++++>
> > wet-nurse (F)nourrice (S*)nodriza (G) Amme
> verku'i
> >++++++++
> That's just a nurse. A wet-nurse is more like a
> basti se ladru
Maybe, but a "nodriza" does much more than that. (Or used to, I don't
think it would get a "*" nowadays.) The problem is that the English and
Spanish expressions are not exact translations.
> ++++++>
> xirselma'e m2 m1=x1 x1 horse-rides on x2
> >++++++
> I really didn't like this when I first looked at it, but
> I have come to see it's really good - just how
> converted gismu should be used.
I needed it for Don Quixote. How is {xirselma'erno'i} for "knight"?
> > norsi'arta'a x1 tutea a x2 in language x3
> I agree it's a hard one. But it's really not 'sinma', is
> it? It's more like 'nobli' or 'cumla'
la matius te pinka la'e di'u di'e
> JLL: norsi'arta'a x1 tutea a x2 in language x3
> (incidentally should that be narsi'arta'a?)
I did mean {norsi'a}: neither respect nor disrespect, neutral in the
respect scale. {narsi'a}, not showing respect, would also work, I suppose.
> CF: I agree it's a hard one. But it's really not 'sinma', is
> CF: it? It's more like 'nobli' or 'cumla'
> I'd disagree; the division between tu/Usted is more one of informality
> versus formality than status. A status division would imply that two people
> would never use "Usted" to each other which is untrue (business contacts
> are likely to greet each other as Usted for instance if they're not well
> acquainted).
True. Also, the employees and their boss, for example, will address each
other in general using "usted". The distinction is more or less the one
one makes in Engish between using first name and Mr/Ms Surname.
(This is not completely true though. In some dialects, for example, parents
and children use "usted" to each other.)
> {sinma} as "respect" is better than {nobli} or {cumla} I think, but how
> about something based on {na ritla tavla} (I don't know lujvo rules well
> enough to come up with the correct short form). Or is there some better
> bridi than {ritla} for formality? (I'm not happy with its primary meaning
> of "ritual" which isn't really the same thing as "formal").
Yes, I considered {ritli} too. It gives {naryri'irta'a}, but I don't think
it's better/worse than using {sinma}, which is not very good either. It is
probably some mixture of respect, formality and some other ingredients.
co'o mi'e xorxes