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Re: lenu mi siskytadni cu mulno/ rIn jIQulmeH Qu'. (fwd)
Hu'tegh! nuq ja' Jorge Llambias jay'?
=> > ui ui la nitcion krefu zvati
.i pe'i jbini leka zvati keizo'o
=> > i fi'i doi nitcion mi do zandjine'u le nu mulgau le tadnyprosa
=> > i xu ba'o fanva ri la lojban (to zo'o i mi djuno le du'u so'o djedi
=> > cu temci le cabna la'e di'u toi)
.i .ia ba'e masti li so'e .i ji'a pe'i lenu snada le nu fanva le prosa fu
la lojban cu banzu leni nandu kei lenu te cnemu le la doktor. tadyne'u
=> Happiness, happiness, the one named nitcion occurs at. Hospitality,
Finally! The return of Loglish! (In the olden days --- '91? '92? --- Lojbab
used to routinely post/print these types of literal translations. They've
been sorely missed.)
Loglish is helpful to a point, but I found quite soon that they actually
make Lojban look more complex than it really is.
=By {zandjine'u} I intended "congratulate". Anyone have any better ideas?
zandjine'u did seem odd to me. As you'll have notice, I said just zanru to
Iain. I think do zanru fi mi will do fine.
(I have to bite my tongue to stop from saying "majQa'!" There isn't a Lojban
attitudinal corresponding to this exclamation (= "Well done")).
=And I haven't had time to dream about it yet. I used {pacna} to mean
="expect", which I think is how Nick was using it too.
In fact, I believe it was a Lojbab-approved move to generalise pacna from
'hope' to include 'expect', 'wish', and various other concepts, distinguishing
between them by a numerical argument place denoting probability of fulfilment.