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Re: ciska bai tu'a zo bai
[Taking an extreme position, as I do so frequently, though hopefully
for some mutual benefit of at least humor :-)]
> Art, I admire your clear expression of attitude regarding "ga'i". But I
> suspect that in trying to express individuality, or independence. that you
> might prefer other attitudinals.
> e'e competence
> i'inai privacy
> o'enai distance
> se'a self-sufficiency
> se'i self-oriented
> ga'i is meant to explicitly imply a ranking of self above those to whom one
> is expressing in some external framework (e.g. social rank), rather than the
> internal one that merely "promotes the individual".
> lojbab
No, lojbab, I want "ga'i" because any social ranking of any merit will have
me as peer or better of everyone else, by definition! Conversely, any
ranking that would require "ga'inai" is obviously without merit and should
not be recognized.
While this may seem unduely extreme, I do give some weight to this argument
in my daily life and do try to teach it to all humans as my part to make the
world better. If everyone is ">=", peer-or-better, to everyone else, then
we are all "=", peers.
thank you,
Arthur Protin
Arthur Protin <protin@summit.novell.com>
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