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Re: ga'i[nai] (was: ciska bai tu'a zo bai)
LL> > "I humbly instruct you to come in to my splendid house",
LL> You are right, since there is no rank marking on "house" at all. One
LL> deficiency of the current system is that there is no way of indicating
LL> the relative ranks of two things/persons neither of whom is the speaker:
LL> the system cannot be manipulated into referring to, say, "Your Majesty's
LL> hovel", indicating that the house's rank is much lower than the
LL> listener's.
I disagree. With 7 levels, more or less, of honorific, there should be
plenty of room. How about "ledo ga'inaicai zdaniga'icai" which puts the
Emperor many levels above you and his house an equal number of levels
below you.