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The Fifty United States, etc.

>Date:         Fri, 29 Jul 1994 15:12:24 -0400
>From: Logical Language Group <lojbab%ACCESS.DIGEX.NET@CUVMB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU>
>X-To:         lojban@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu

>Well, here's my detailed critique.  BTW, this is not to undercut your effort
>in actually doing the work -- it's much easier to correct something like
>this than to do it in the first place.  (Ditto for the German placenames,

Sorry, guys.  I sw one that I *had* to pipe in on.

>> south dakota            sautdakotas
>                  sautdykotas.

This isn't it, but is "td" *really* a legal medial?

>>    pierre                  pi,IER

This is it.  According to the town's mayor (as quoted on a CD "Where in the
World is Carmen Sandiego"), the town's name is pronounced "pir", not
"pi,IEr".  You can't make this stuff up.


>John Cowan              sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
>          e'osai ko sarji la lojban.