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Re: xruti

la lojbab cusku di'e

> This requires approval of Nick, who is doing lujvo, as well as no objection
> from the rest of the community.

These are the lujvo using xruti in the version of the jvoste that I have:

>> se'ixru      to return (intr.): x1=x2 x3 x4
Not needed. Perhaps can be substituted by:

xrugau  to return (tr.): g1 x1 x2 x3

>> xrube'i      take something back: b1=x1 b2=x2 b3=x3 b4=x4 b5
Shouldn't that be "send something back"?
In any case, the places remain the same  b1 b2=x1 b3=x2 b4=x3 b5

>> xrucpa       to get something back: c1=x3 c2=x2 c3
Same places                     c1=x2 c2=x1 c3=x3

>> xrufle       to return (of electricity after blackout): f1=x2 f2 f3=x3 f4
I suppose this is more general than that, but same places: f1=x1 f2 f3=x2 f4=x3

>> xrukla       to go back, to return: k1=x1=x2 k2=x3 k3=x4 k4 k5
Same places:                    k1=x1 k2=x2 k3=x3 k4 k5

>> zdaxru       to return something home: x1 x2 x4
Changes to:     to come back home: x1=z2 (x2=z1) x3

Only {zdaxru} changes meaning, and "to come back home" seems much more
useful than "to return something home".
