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Re: Cowan's summary: opacity and sumti-raising
la lojbab cusku di'e
> We can solve the "look for object" problem most simply by just creating a
> for this meaning.
Ok, then that proves that there is nothing strange about a brivla meaning
"x1 looks for x2".
I find "x1 looks for something with property x2" more intricate, and so
I would prefer that this last one be handled with a lujvo based on the first
one, but that is of course my subjective judgement.
> studji or stujundji or faktoi all could be appropriate,
> perhaps with slightly different place structures according to the Nick
> formulary.
{faktoi} is "x1 tries to discover x2(du'u) about x3"
{stujundji} I suppose would be "x1 wants to know the location of x2", which
doesn't really have an active search-for component. Also, it only works
for things that have inherent locations. I suppose {studji} is meant as a
shortening of this one.
{zvajundji} would be the corresponding one for nonce location of an object.
Again, it doesn't really involve active searching. I think {zvadji} would
not serve in this case for a short form, because it seems to mean more
something like "x1 wants to be at x2".
{sisku} would be so much more useful with a simple, more basic meaning...