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Re: more on vi/fa'a/to'o

I thought the idea was that one pair (fa'a/to'o, I think)
was about motion relative to the specified point (if any),
and the other (ze'o/zo'i) was about motion starting from
the specified point, but relative to the origin.  So

mo'ifa'a ko'a    towards X
mo'ito'o ko'a    away from X
mo'ize'o ko'a    outwards from X (i.e. away from here, starting from X)
mo'izo'i ko'a    inwards from X (i.e. towards here, starting from X)

         | mo'ize'o
mo'ifa'a | mo'ito'o
-------> X ------->
         | mo'izo'i


So {ze'o} and {zo'i} are special cases of {to'o}.

I suggest the following corresponding static interpretations.

fa'a    near to (more or less redundant with {ne'a})
to'o    distant from (more or less redundant with {na'ene'a})
zo'i    cis, on this side of
ze'o    trans, on the other side of

ko ca'o zvati to'o lei srasu
Keep off the grass!
Iain Alexander                    ia@stryx.demon.co.uk