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Re: Imaginary Journeys

la glyn. cusku di'e

> I believe i _may_ have found an error or two in the Imaginary Journeys paper:
> p 15:
>  example 21.10 reads: la .artr. pu je'i ba nolraitru
>  je'i is defined in my cmavo list as the /tanru/ afterthought question
>   connector.  Maybe i'm missing something here, but wouldn't ji make
>   more sense here?

No.  The JA selma'o are used to connect tenses and a few other things as
well as tanru.  See the connectives paper at the FTP site.  Note that "ji"
belongs to selma'o A, for historical reasons.

> Also, in the proposed replies:
>  je is listed to indicate 'both' (makes sense)
>  The next two, however, seem reversed:  in the paper they read:
>  naje  'the former'   and jenai  'the latter'


John Cowan		sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.