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Re: selbri as sumti
> Chris:
> > >How can we say "I always do my shopping on the same day of the
> > >week"?
.i mu'a lu mi vecnu ca ro mupli befi lo pa jefydje li'u pei
> Chris:
> > >"I ate a strange kind of fish". What I ate was not strange.
.i ma smuni di'u
> "Strange kind" doesn't necessarily mean "strange species". Species
> are not the only kinds. Moreover, your method will not generalize to:
> I ate a strange kind of food.
> I read a strange kind of book.
.i sosyselsmu pe'i
.i lu mi tcidu lo cukta belo cizra li'u
.e lu mi tcidu lo cukta befu lo cizra li'u
.e lu mi tcidu lo cukta poi cizra mi loka mi tcidu ri li'u
selsmu di'u
> Chris:
> > >"Today I performed my quotidian activities":
> I'll ignore the tanru, as they're too vague.
> {se gasnu be ca ro djedi}: It's hard to think of anything that
> satisfies the predicate Is-an-activity-occurring-every-day. Maybe
> a team of bridge painters, working 24 hours a day, year after year.
> Certainly teeth cleaning isn't such an activity: each event of
> teeth cleaning happens on only one day. Yet it is quotidian.
.ienai .i pe'i de'u xamgu .ijo mi ruble jimpe lo smuni bezo ca
.i mu'aji'a lu mi gasnu lo selgau bemi besu'oroi lo djedi li'u
co'o mi'e. goran.
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