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Re: {prenu} vs. {remna}

la kris cusku di'e

> .i pe'i frica
> This may be more political opinion than linguistic opinion, but rights seem
> more a self-evident property of sentient volitional beings than a particular
> species of simian we call "remna".

i pe'i kakne le nu cusku lu lo remna cu se zmadu li'u  i ku'i la'e lu lo prenu
cu se zmadu li'u cizra

> If it turns out dolphins or martians can
> think then I'd think they had rights of some sort.

i iesai  i ku'i mi senpi le du'u lei pe'a patfu be le gugde puca'o pensi ra

> >co'o mi'e xorxes jambi,as
> Hmm.. using the same criteria, you could be "la jorjes. lambias."; but that
> seems like a more severe change in the pronunciation...

I might use {lambias} for the last name, that's how many English speakers
pronounce it anyway. Or maybe, to get the right stress {lambi'as}, which
sounds more lojbanic than with a comma.

co'o mi'e xorxes