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sevzi and ego

Would you say
        mi prami le sevzi
means "I love myself"?  If so, what do you think of this definition:

x1 is the same as/a reflection of x2 (by default, the agent of the
current action)

[reflection not meant literally, though it could be literal;
'self-image'; frequently used in lujvo to form reflexives]

{sevzi} used in this way would have some characteristics that are
pro-sumti like; e.g., {le sevzi} would not always have the same
referent.  It's also related to {morna} and {simsa}, as well as {mintu}.

Not being a German philosopher* either, I don't know the difference
between "ego" and "mind" and I'd just use {le menli} for "ego".

*or psychologist; didn't Freud promote (originate?) the term?

mu'o mi'e. dilyn.

Message 17: