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Re: quantifiers on sumti - late response

In message  <9505251825.aa08448@gate.demon.co.uk> jorge@phyast.pitt.edu writes:
> So what does this mean:
>         so'a da poi gerku cu se denci ije so'i da batci da
>         Almost all dogs have teeth, and most of those bite (themselves?/
>         those that bite?/those with teeth?)
> To me it means "themselves", which doesn't agree with your rule (nor with
> what you say it doesn't mean). I think the last {da} doesn't have a
> quantifier. If you put one there it changes the meaning.

I think it has to mean the same as {so'i da zo'u:  da batci da} - many
of those bite themselves.  The following bridi would revert to {da} =
the one's with teeth.

Iain Alexander                    ia@stryx.demon.co.uk