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Re: quantifiers on sumti - late response

la kris. cusku di'e
> > .i ku'i da nabmi .i pe'i na cumki fi'o valsi zo lei .uinai

.i la dilyn cusku di'e:
>.i ki'u ma do cusku di'u .i .e'u lu
>        re le gunma be lo gunka cu zbasu le ti dinju
>li'u (to zoi gy. {two of the groups of workers built this building}
>.gy toi) simsa lu
>        re lei gunka cu zbasu le ti dinju

Because in your interpretation of "re lei gunka" it's the group that's
"in-mind", not the workers.  "Two of the masses-that-I-have-in-mind of
things-which-really-are-workers" -- I think that's not really a
consistent use of "lei", since "pa lei gunka" clearly means "the mass of
all things which I refer to as workers (but might not be)".
 Chris Bogart        \  /  ftp://ftp.csn.net/cbogart/html/homepage.html
 Quetzal Consulting   \/   cbogart@quetzal.com