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Re: A Fuzzy Ship from Theseus
> > je'ucai absolutely true
> > je'usai
> > je'u
> > je'uru'e
> > je'ucu'i
> > je'unairu'e
> > je'unai
> > je'unaisai
> > je'unaicai absolutely false
> These have the right meaning. Do we know how they interact with
> {na} and {jaa}?
I don't think we know much about how attitudinals interact with the rest
of things. {ja'a} doesn't seem to present a problem, but I don't know
what would something like this be:
je'uru'e ta na blanu
Weakly true, that is not blue.
I suppose it could mean:
je'unairu'e ta blanu
Weakly false, that is blue.
But I don't know. (And it gets even hazier if we start to look at
interactions with {je} et al. It is easy to define that the fuzzy truth
value of a conjunction is the product of the truth values, but what does
a {je'uru'e} anded with a {je'ucu'i} give?)