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Re: LogFest

la .i,n cusku di'e

> > ...topic@student.math.hr writes:
> > anybody coming to Glasgow?
> Yes, I'll be at Intersection, and I'm expecting to meet Nick Nicholas there.

.ije la lojbab go'ira'o

> At leasst one local Ljbanist, Keith Lynch (actually not much of a Lojbanist
> but he doess come to LogFest every year) is going to Glassgow.  If we need
> to do a handover of ssomething, it could be arranged.  Je might also be
> able to point out other Lojbanistss there, since he knows more people
> especially non-Lojban List types.

no'i .ui .i mi tcegleki lenu kakne co penmi so'i do

 //       le ka misno cu zasni       \\
|| .i ku'i le ka tolterju'o cu vitno  ||
 \\       .i co'o mi'e. goran.       //