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listserv to newsgroup gateways
With LogFest coming up, I finally broke down and did what our committee was
supposed to do. Here is the info from a Listserv WWW page, moderately
cleaned up from my capture file.
Making HTTP connection to www.cis.ohio-state.edu.
Bit (BitNET LISTSERV newsgroups
Bit (BitNET LISTSERV newsgroups)* bit.** Newsgroup List * Mailing Lists
Available in Usenet * NetNews/Mailing List Gateway Policy
Newsgroup List
bit.** Newsgroup Listgatelist/faq.htmlMailing Lists Available in Usenet
Getting http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/bit/gatelist/faq.ht
Looking up www.cis.ohio-state.edu.
Making HTTP connection to www.cis.ohio-state.edu.
Mailing Lists Available in Usenet (p1 of 14
Archive-name: bit/gatelist
Last-modified: 29 July 1993
Mailing List Usenet Newsgroup Gateway Site
------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------
ACM-L@KENTVM.BITNET comp.org.acm auvm.american.edu
ADA-LAW@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.ada-law auvm.american.edu
ADVANC-L@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.advanc-l auvm.american.edu
ADVISE-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.advise-l auvm.american.edu
AIDSNEWS@USCVM.BITNET sci.med.aids cs.ucla.edu
AIX-L@PUCC.BITNET bit.listserv.aix-l auvm.american.edu
ALLMUSIC@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.allmusic auvm.american.edu
alt-sys-intergraph@ingr.ingr.com alt.sys.intergraph ingr.ingr.com
AMI-HARD@MAINECS.BITNET comp.sys.amiga.hardware umainecs.bitnet
AMI-TECH@MAINECS.BITNET comp.sys.amiga.tech umainecs.bitnet
ANIME-L@VTVM1.BITNET rec.arts.anime vtserf.cc.vt.edu
ANU-NEWS@NDSUVM1.BITNET news.software.anu-news kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
APPC-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.appc-l auvm.american.edu
APPLE2-L@BROWNVM.BITNET bit.listserv.apple2-l auvm.american.edu
APPLICAT@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.applicat auvm.american.edu
ARIE-L@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.arie-l auvm.american.edu
ARMS-L@BUACCA.BITNET soc.politics.arms-d auvm.american.edu
ASHE-L@MIZZOU1.BITNET bit.listserv.ashe-l auvm.american.edu
ASM370@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.asm370 auvm.american.edu
AUTISM@SJUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.autism auvm.american.edu
AUTOCAD@JHUVM.BITNET alt.cad.autocad auvm.american.edu
AXSLIB-L@BITNIC.BITNET bit.listserv.axslib-l auvm.american.edu
bahai-faith@oneworld.wa.com soc.religion.bahai oneworld.wa.com
BANYAN-L@AKRONVM.BITNET bit.listserv.banyan-l
BIG-LAN@EB0UB011.BITNET bit.listserv.big-lan
BILLING@HEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.billing
BIOSPH-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.biosph-l auvm.american.edu
BITNEWS@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.bitnews
BLINDNWS@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.blindnws
BONSAI@WAYNEST1.BITNET rec.arts.bonsai auvm.american.edu
BUSLIB-L@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.buslib-l auvm.american.edu
C+HEALTH@IUBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.c+health auvm.american.edu
CANDLE-L@UA1VM.BITNET bit.listserv.candle-l auvm.american.edu
CATALA@EBCESCA1.BITNET bit.listserv.catala auvm.american.edu
CATHOLIC@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.catholic
CDROM-L@UCCVMA.BITNET alt.cd-rom ngw.funet.fi
CDROMLAN@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.cdromlan
CFS-NEWS@NIHLIST.BITNET bit.listserv.cfs.newsletter
CHILE-L@PURCCVM.BITNET chile.chile-l uchdcc.dcc.uchile.cl
CHRISTIA@ASUACAD.BITNET bit.listserv.christia
CICS-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.cics-l
CINEMA-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.cinema-l
CIRCPLUS@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.circplus
clear-l@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca alt.clearing.technology (n1)auvm.american.edu
CMSPIP-L@MARIST.BITNET bit.listserv.cmspip
COHERENT@INDYCMS.BITNET comp.os.coherent presto.ig.com
COMPIL-L@AUVM.BITNET comp.compilers
CRICKET@NDSUVM1.BITNET rec.sport.cricket.scores
CSG-L@UIUCVMD.BITNET bit.listserv.csg-l
CSYS-AMI@MAINECS.BITNET comp.sys.amiga mainecs.bitnet
CUMREC-L@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.cumrec
CW-EMAIL@TECMTYVM.BITNET bit.listserv.cw-email
CWIS-L@WUVMD.BITNET bit.listserv.cwis-l
CYBER-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.cyber-l
C18-L@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.c18-l
C370-L@USCVM.BITNET bit.listserv.c370-l auvm.american.edu
DASIG@SUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.dasig
DBASE-L@NMSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.dbase-l
DB2-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.db2-l
DEAF-L@SIUCVMB.BITNET bit.listserv.deaf-l auvm.american.edu
DECMCC-L@AUVM.BITNET vmsnet.networks.management.decmcc
DECNEWS@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.decnews
DECTEI-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.dectei
DEVEL-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.devel-l
DIPL-L@MITVMA.BITNET rec.games.diplomacy
DISARM-L@ALBNYVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.disarm
DOMAIN-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.domain-l auvm.american.edu
DTP-L@antigone.com comp.text.desktop antigone.com
EARLYM-L@AEARN.BITNET rec.music.early kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
EARNTECH@BITNIC.BITNET bit.listserv.earntech
ECOLOG-L@UMDD.BITNET bit.listserv.ecolog-l
EDI-L@UCCVMA.BITNET bit.listserv.edi-l auvm.american.edu
EDPOLYAN@ASUACAD.BITNET bit.listserv.edpolyan
EDSTAT-L@NCSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.edstat-
EDTECH@OHSTVMA.BITNET bit.listserv.edtech
EDUSIG-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.edusig-l
EMERG-L@MARIST.BITNET misc.emerg-services
EMUSIC-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.emusic-l
ENDNOTE@UCSBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.endnote
ENVBEH-L@POLYVM.BITNET bit.listserv.envbeh-l
ERL-L@ASUACAD.BITNET bit.listserv.erl
ETHICS-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.ethics-l
ETHOLOGY@SEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.ethology
EUEARN-L@UBVM bit.listserv.euearn-l
fedtax-l@shsu.edu misc.taxes mvb.saic.com
FILM-L@VMTECMEX.BITNET bit.listserv.film-l
FNORD-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.fnord-l
FRAC-L@GITVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.frac-l
FREE-L@INDYCMS.BITNET bit.listserv.free-l
GAMES-L@BROWNVM.BITNET bit.listserv.games-l auvm.american.edu
gaynet@gallifrey.kent.edu bit.listserv.gaynet auvm.american.edu
GDDM-L@POLYVM.BITNET bit.listserv.gddm-l
GEODESIC@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.geodesic
GGUIDE@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.gguide
GIS-L@UBVM.BITNET comp.infosystems.gis
GOLF-L@UBVM.BITNET rec.sport.golf
GOVDOC-L@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.govdoc-l
GUTNBERG@UIUCVMD.BITNET bit.listserv.gutnberg
HELLAS@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.hella
HELP-NET@TEMPLEVM.BITNET bit.listserv.help-net
HINDU-D@ARIZVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.hindu-d
HISTORY@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.history
HOMESAT@NDSUVM1.BITNET rec.video.satellite
HP3000-L@UTCVM.BITNET bit.listserv.hp3000
HSPNET-L@ALBNYDH2.BITNET sci.med.telemedicine
HYTEL-L@KENTVM.BITNET bit.listserv.hytel-l auvm.american.edu
I-AMIGA@RUTVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.i-amiga
I-UNIX@TCSVM.BITNET comp.unix.questions brl.arpa
IBM-HESC@PSUORVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ibm-hesc
IBM-MAIN@RICEVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.ibm-main
IBM-NETS@BITNIC.BITNET bit.listserv.ibm-nets
IBMTCP-L@PUCC.BITNET bit.listserv.ibmtcp-l
IBM7171@TCSVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ibm7171
INDIA-D@UKCC.BITNET bit.listserv.india-d
INFO-GCG@UTORONTO.BITNET bit.listserv.info-gcg
info-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu comp.graphics.gnuplot dartmouth.edu
info-multinet@tgv.com vmsnet.tcpip.multinet mvb.saic.com
info-nets@think.com info.nets think.com
info-tex@shsu.edu comp.text.tex (Note 1) mvb.saic.com
info-tpu@shsu.edu vmsnet.tpu mccall.com
INGRAFX@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ingrafx
INNOPAC@MAINE.BITNET bit.listserv.innopac
insoft-l@cis.vutbr.cz bit.software.international cis.vutbr.cz
IOOB-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.ioob-l
IPCT-L@GUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ipct-l
ISN@RITVM.BITNET bit.listserv.isn
JES2-L@VTVM2.BITNET bit.listserv.jes2-l
JNET-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.jnet-l
L-HCAP@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.l-hcap
L-VMCTR@AKRONVM.BITNET bit.listserv.l-vmctr auvm.american.edu
LANWORKS@MIAMIU.BITNET vmsnet.networks.desktop.pathworks kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
LAWSCH-L@AUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.lawsch-l
LIAISON@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.liaison
LIBREF-L@KENTVM.BITNET bit.listserv.libref
LIBRES@KENTVM.BITNET bit.listserv.libres
LICENSE@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.license
LINKFAIL@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.linkfail
LITERARY@UCF1VM.BITNET bit.listserv.literary auvm.american.edu
LSTSRV-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.lstsrv-l auvm.american.edu
MACRO32@WKUVX1.BITNET vmsnet.internals mccall.com
MAIL-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.mail-l auvm.american.edu
MAILBOOK@RICEVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.mailbook auvm.american.edu
MBA-L@MARIST.BITNET bit.listserv.mba-l
MBU-L@TTUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.mbu-l
MDPHD-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.mdphd-l auvm.american.edu
MEDFORUM@ARIZVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.medforum
MEDLIB-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.medlib-l
MEDNEWS@ASUACAD.BITNET bit.listserv.mednews
MIDEUR-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.mideur-l
MSLIST-L@TECHNION.BITNET alt.support.mult-sclerosis
NEDER-L@HEARN.BITNET bit.lang.neder-l
NETNWS-L@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.netnws-l
NETTRAIN@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.nettrain auvm.american.edu
NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.new-list
next-l@antigone.com bit.listserv.next-l
nextstep@indycms.iupui.edu comp.soft-sys.nextstep presto.ig.com
NIHONGO@MITVMA.BITNET sci.lang.japan (Note 1) mitvma.mit.edu
NODMGT-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.nodmgt-l
NOTABENE@TAUNIVM.BITNET bit.listserv.notabene
NOTIS-L@UICVM.BITNET bit.listserv.notis-l
NOVELL@SUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.novell
OMRSCAN@UOGUELPH.BITNET bit.listserv.omrscan auvm.american.edu
OS2-L@HEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.os2-l
OZONE@ICNUCEVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ozone
PACS-L@UHUPVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.pacs-l
PAGE-L@UCF1VM.BITNET bit.listserv.page-l
PAGEMAKR@INDYCMS.BITNET bit.listserv.pagemakr
PCIP-L@OHSTVMA.BITNET comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc udel.edu
PCORPS-L@CMUVM.BITNET bit.org.peace-corps
PHYSHARE@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.physhare
PMDF-L@IRLEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.pmdf-l
POLITICS@UCF1VM.BITNET bit.listserv.politics
POSTCARD@IDBSU.BITNET bit.listserv.postcard
POWER-L@NDSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.power-l
POWERH-L@UNBVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.powerh-l
PSYC@PUCC.BITNET sci.psychology.dige
PSYCGRAD@UOTTAWA.BITNET bit.listserv.psycgrad
QUALRS-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.qualrs-l auvm.american.edu
RELUSR-L@NCSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.relusr-l auvm.american.edu
REXXLIST@UGA.BITNET comp.lang.rexx
RFERL-L@UBVM.BITNET misc.news.east-europe.rferl
risks@csl.sri.com comp.risks csl.sri.com
RRA-L@KENTVM.BITNET bit.listserv.rra-l
RSCS-L@PUCC.BITNET bit.listserv.rscs-l
RSCSMODS@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.rscsmods
S-COMPUT@USCVM.BITNET bit.listserv.s-comput
SAS-L@VTVM2.BITNET bit.listserv.sas-l
scj@nysernet.org soc.culture.jewish nysernet.org
Mailing Lists Available in Usenet (p10
SCIFAQ-L@YALEVM.cis.yale.edu sci.answers (Note 1) auvm.american.edu
SCRIPT-L@RICEVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.script-l
SCS-L@INDYCMS.BITNET soc.culture.soviet presto.ig.com
SCUBA-L@BROWNVM.BITNET bit.listserv.scuba-l
SEASIA-L@MSU.BITNET bit.listserv.seasia-l
SEDS-L@TAMVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.seds-l
SFS-L@SEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.sfs-l
SGANET@VTVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.sganet
SIMULA@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.simula
SLART-L@CUNYVM.BITNET bit.listserv.slart-l
SLOVAK-L@UBVM bit.listserv.slovak
SMALK@FINHUTC.BITNET comp.lang.smalltalk
SNAMGT-L@UMRVMB.BITNET bit.listserv.snamgt-l
solaris@indycms.iupui.edu comp.unix.solaris presto.ig.com
SOS-DATA@UNCVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.sos-data auvm.american.edu
SPACE@UGA.BITNET sci.space isu.isunet.edu.
SPIRES-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.spires-l
SPORTPSY@TEMPLEVM.BITNET bit.listserv.sportpsy
SPSSX-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.spssx-l
SQLINFO@UICVM.BITNET bit.listserv.sqlinfo
STAT-L@MCGILL1.BITNET bit.listserv.stat-l
SWL-L@CUVMB.BITNET rec.radio.shortwave auvm.american.edu
TECH-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.tech-l
TECHWR-L@OSUVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.techwr-l osuunx.ucc.okstate
TECMAT-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.tecmat-l auvm.american.edu
telecom@eecs.nwu.edu comp.dcom.telecom eecs.nwu.edu
TEST@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.test
TEX-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.tex-l
TN3270-L@RUTVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.tn3270-l
TOOLB-L@UAFSYSB.BITNET bit.listserv.toolb-l
TPS-L@INDYCMS.BITNET talk.politics.soviet presto.ig.com
TRANS-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.trans
TRAVEL-L@TREARN.BITNET bit.listserv.travel
TSO-REXX@UCF1VM.BITNET bit.listserv.tsorexx
UCP-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.ucp-l
UG-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.ug-l auvm.american.edu
UIGIS-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.uigis-l
UMFORTH@WEIZMANN.BITNET comp.lang.forth weizmann.bitnet
UREP-L@BNLVMXA.BITNET bit.listserv.urep-l
USRDIR-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.usrdir-l
UUS-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.uus-l (Note 1) TerraLuna.Org
valert-l@lehigh.edu bit.listserv.valert-l
VFORT-L@JHUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.vfort-l
VIETNET@USCVM.BITNET soc.culture.vietnamese
VM-UTIL@UTARLVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.vm-util
VMESA-L@UAFSYSB.BITNET bit.listserv.vmesa-l auvm.american
VMSLSV-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.vmslsv
VMXA-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.vmxa-l auvm.american.edu
VNEWS-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.vnews-l
VPIEJ-L@VTVM1 bit.listserv.vpiej-l
winsock@Microdyne.COM alt.winsock microdyne.com
WINTCP-L@UBVM.BITNET vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp
WIN3-L@UICVM.BITNET bit.listserv.win3-l auvm.american.edu
WORDS-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.words-l
WORD_MAC@HVRFORD.BITNET bit.mailserv.word-mac
WORD_PC@HVRFORD.BITNET bit.mailserv.word-pc
WPWIN-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.wpwin-l
WPCORP-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.wpcorp-l
WX-TALK@UIUCVMD.BITNET bit.listserv.wx-talk auvm.american.edu
XCULT-L@PSUVM.BITNET bit.listserv.xcult-l
XEDIT-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.xedit-l
XEROX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET bit.listserv.xerox-l auvm.american.edu
XMAILER@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.xmailer
XTROPY-L@UBVM.BITNET bit.listserv.xtropy-l
X400-L@UGA.BITNET bit.listserv.x400-l
zforum@comlab.ox.ac.uk comp.specification.z comlab.ox.ac.uk
3COM-L@NUSVM.BITNET bit.listserv.3com-l
4dos@indycms.iupui.edu comp.os.msdos.4dos presto.ig.com
9370-L@HEARN.BITNET bit.listserv.9370
1. This gateway in unidirectional. For example, mail to INFO-TeX@SHSU.EDU
is gated to comp.text.tex at mvb.saic.com but posts to comp.text.tex
are not gated back to INFO-TeX@SHSU.EDU.
2. The lists whose names end in ".BITNET" are Listserv mailing lists. To
subscribe, send mail to "LISTSERV@sitename" with a one-line mail
message: "SUBSCRIBE listname yourname". People connected directly to
BitNet may send the SUBSCRIBE command interactively.
3. Many BitNet sites are also reachable through the Internet. The
Internet address can be obtained by sending the command "WHOIS
sitename" (for example: WHOIS AUVM) as the first line of an e-mail
message to bitnodes@american.edu. Send HELP for more information on
bitnodes. People at BitNet sites can send these commands as
interactive messages to BITNODES@AUVM.
4. The lists whose names end in something other than ".BITNET" are
Internet mailing lists. To subscribe, send mail to
"listname-request@sitename" asking to be placed on the list.
5. Please send additions, corrections or deletions to this list to Jim
McIntosh at jim@american.edu.
Getting http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/bit/top.html
Bit (BitNET LISTSERV newsgroups
Bit (BitNET LISTSERV newsgroups)
* bit.** Newsgroup List * Mailing Lists Available in Usenet*
NetNews/Mailing List Gateway Policy
Lists Available in Usenet Mailing Lists Available in
Usenetpolicy/faq.htmlNetNews/Mailing List Gateway Policy
Getting http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/bit/policy/faq.html
Looking up www.cis.ohio-state.edu.
Making HTTP connection to www.cis.ohio-state.edu.
NetNews/Mailing List Gateway Policy (p1 of 9
Archive-name: bit/policy
Last-modified: 1 July 1994
*************************************************************** General
Information on Mailing List/Netnews gateways
This document gives general information on gateways between Electronic
Mailing Lists and Netnews as implemented in Netnews version 2.5 by Linda
Littleton at Penn State University. It includes guidelines on how to
establish a new Mailing List/Netnews gateway.
*** What are Electronic Mailing Lists?
Electronic Mailing Lists are controlled by a software package called a
Mailing List Mananger (or MLM). Since the most widely used MLM is
called ListServ many people refer to electronic mailing lists as
"Listserv lists". (Listserv, which stands for List Server, is a MLM
that runs on VM/CMS, AIX, VMS, and other platforms. It is a product of
LSoft, Inc. Write to sales@lsoft.com for more information on Listserv.)
MLMs provide "mail-exploding" capabilities so that people with a common
interest can communicate with each other by sending mail to a particular
address (one address per mailing list), which then redistributes the
mail to each person "subscribed" to the list. Each person subscribed to
a particular list gets a copy of each piece of mail in their mailbox.
*** What is Netnews?
Netnews is a bulletin board system in which articles on a variety of
topics are arranged in "newsgroups" and stored in a shared location from
which individual users can read them. These newsgroups can be local
newsgroups, available only at a user's site, or may be shared with other
sites to form a world-wide bulletin board system called Usenet.
*** What does the gateway do?
The gateway software (which is a built-in part of the VM/CMS Netnews
server from Penn State) puts each piece of mail for a particular list
into a corresponding Netnews newsgroup and also sends each Netnews-
originating posting to the newsgroup back to the mailing list.
Generally gatewayed groups on Netnews are given the name
bit.listserv.<listname>. When appropriate, the items in a mailing list
might also be cross-posted to a "mainstream" Usenet group.
*** Moderated or Unmoderated Newsgroup
The newsgroup gatewayed to a list can be either moderated or
unmoderated. If it is unmoderated, all posts are immediately accepted
in the newsgroup and make their way eventually to the mailing list. If
the newsgroup is moderated the posts are not accepted in the newsgroup,
but instead sent through e-mail to a moderator address. This moderator
can be a human being who decides if the post is appropriate, or can even
be the mailing list address (where, for example, the list owner may from
time to time set the list to "Send= Private" to limit the mail coming
from Usenet to the mailing list).
Whether the mailing list is edited is a separate decision from whether
the newsgroup is moderated. Many unedited mailing lists are gatewayed
to moderated newsgroups so the list owner can impose controls when and
if inappropriate posts come from the newgroup to the mailing list.
*** Why have a gateway?
The major reason sites decide to carry gatewayed mailing lists is so
their users can read these lists via shared disks, rather than requiring
each user to receive each item to their mailbox. In addition, the
gateway gives greater exposure and wider readership to the list since
the list can be now be read by users at thousands of Usenet sites.
*** The gateway can be LOCAL or GLOBAL
On a per-group basis, the gateway can be either LOCAL (only users on the
machine where Netnews is running will see the Listserv items) or GLOBAL
(the Listserv items will propagate to other Usenet sites). To avoid
problems that can be caused by multiple sites gatewaying the same group,
we request that only a handful of sites set up global gateways and that
other sites receive these groups through their normal news feeds.
It is important that no more than one site per list set up a GLOBAL
gateway. If more than one site does a GLOBAL gateway for a particular
list, the list may get duplicates of some articles. It is the list
owner's responsibility to make sure there are not multiple global
gateways for the list and to "signoff" any suspect gateway site should
problems start to occur. No GLOBAL gateway should ever be established
without the express permission of the list owner.
In the event that two sites did set up a global gateway for the same
list, here is what might happen. If a user anywhere on the net posted
an article to the group via Netnews and the article found its way to
both of the global gateway sites, both of these sites would forward the
articl back to the mailing list. The mailing list would therefore
receive two copies and although Listserv will usually detect the
duplicate posting, it will return one of the copies to the author with a
message saying that the post was a duplicate. Since the author only
posted once, this will cause them some confusion. Also, it is possible
that both posts would be distributed to the list if a MLM other than
Listserv is controlling the mailing list. Netnews would not have a
problem handling this (since it checks message-id's for duplicates), but
it is the people who get the items in their mailboxes who would see two
copies of the article.
*** Gateway registration
In order to avoid problems caused by multiple gateways, a list of
gatewayed newsgroups is maintained by David Lawrence
(tale@uunet.uu.net). This list is posted monthly to bit.admin, and
copies are available from listserv@american.edu by sending the command
GET NETGATE.GATELIST as the first and only line in the body of a piece
of e-mail. This file is also available via anonymous ftp from
Please consult this list before establishing a gateway between a mailing
list and a newsgroup to verify no gateway already exists. If you set up
a gateway you should have it added to the list by writing to David
Lawrenc at tale@uunet.uu.net, or by writing to news-adm@american.edu.
*** Setting up the gateway.
The gateway is set up by having the Netnews service machine subscribe to
the mailing list in the same way that a subscriber would. The MLM must
ensure that each post has a unique Message-ID. If none is present in
the incoming post, the MLM must add one. Also, the posts must come from
som consistent address in the "Return-Path" (generally
OWNER-<listname>). With LSoft's Listserv these requirements can be met
by setting the FULLHDR option on (additionally the NOFILES option should
be set, and NORENEW should be set if the list expires subscriptions).
*** Guidelines for establishing a Mailing List/Netnews gateway.
It is the responsibility of the person requesting the gateway to do
1. Get the approval of the mailing list owner(s) and the MLM
administrator at the host node. (For Listserv, send a "REVIEW listname"
command to the Listserv at the host node for the names and addresses of
the list owner(s), and a "RELEASE" command to the same address for the
Listserv administor's name and address.)Send them each a copy of this
document. If the list owner or MLM administrator objects, the gateway
is not done.
2. Get the approval of the mailing list readers. This could be done
somewhat informally by posting to the list and asking if there are
objections. If the issue was controversial, a formal vote should be
held according to the same guidelines as for creating a new Usenet
group. If there was no major dissenting opinion a vote will not be
3. If there is a Usenet group where crossposting would be logical,get
the approval of the people who read that group (in the same way as
approval of the mailing list readers was gotten).
4. Post to bit.admin to see if there are any objections. The subject of
the posting should be "Gateway for <listname> under discussion".
Explain briefly what the list is for. If you are proposing that the
list be gated to something besides"bit.listserv.<listname>", this should
be stated. Again, if therewas no major dissenting opinion within seven
days, a vote wouldnot be needed; otherwise a vote would be held. teps 2,
3, and 4 can all be done at the same time.
5. Write to news-admin@american.edu to say that all of the criteria have
been met. Indicate the gateway site (if you wish some sitbesides
auvm.american.edu to be the gateway), mailing list name,mailing list
host node, list owner(s), and a short (45 charactermaximum) description
of the list. News-admin will establishand/or register the gateway, and
then post to bit.admin to saythat the gateway is operational. The
subject of the posting willbe "Gateway for <listname> operational".
If for some reason you cannot follow the steps outlined here (for
example, if you do not get the bit groups, so cannot post to bit.admin),
write to news-admin@american.edu to explain the situation.
*** Where to address questions
Questions about Listserv/Netnews gateways can be posted to bit.admin or
sent to news-admin@american.edu.