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Re: Why Lojban?

>     A couple of months ago I lurked on the Lojban List for a while and
> have just re-subscribed.  I am a neighbor of lojbab, and I hope to make
> his acquaintance in the near future.
>     Of course, this is an old question, so if you prefer please feel free
> to respond by email rather than filling up others' mailboxes.  Why
> lojban?  Why be interested in lojban at all?  Is it more than a
> plaything?  Does anyone have any intention of it ever being a practical
> international auxiliary language?

As far as I can see, there are four main reasons people get interested in

1) as a linguistic plaything, or weights for a mental gym
2) proof/disproof of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
3) communtication with AIs and machine translation
4) international language

I consider 1) and 3) very feasible, 2) harder but possible, 4) not very
probable. For additional reading download whylojb.txt from the FTP server.

> Regards,
> Paul

co'o mi'e. goran.

 //       le ka misno cu zasni       \\
|| .i ku'i le ka tolterju'o cu vitno  ||
 \\       .i co'o mi'e. goran.       //