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some gismu queries
Some queries on some gismu.
(1) Why do so many gismi have a conditions sumti, when we
(quite rightly) have {va'o}? Let all conditions sumti be
deleted. I reckon if this was put to a vote there'd be an
overwhelming majority in favour. Same for {ma'i} replacing
by-standard places, etc. I remember Jorge & others having
made the same point, but I forget if there's any good
argument against it.
(2) Is
jdari jar firm 'hard'
x1 is firm/hard/resistant/unyielding to force x2
equivalent to {tinsa fe [inwardly]}?
tinsa stiff
x1 is stiff/rigid/inflexible/resistant in direction
x2 against force x3
(3) Is there a difference between:
kavbu kav capture 'catch'
x1 captures/catches/apprehends x2 with trap/restraint x3
pinfu pif prisoner 'captive'
x1 is a prisoner/captive of x2, restrained/held by means/force x3;
Or, more specifically, is {kavbu} {x1=p1=k2 pifcoa x2=p2=k1
x3=p3 tahi k3}?