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Re: drata vs. frica

>Cube1 is different from cube2 :: This would be expressed by the gismu <drata>.
>Suppose I then painted one cube red and the other blue
>Cube1 is different from cube2 in property color :: This would be expressed
>by the gismu <frica>

Is this expressed as:

.i le pamei kubli le remei kubli cu frica le ka skari
The first cube differs from the second cube in the property of colour.

How does this differ from:

.i le pamei kubli le remei kubli cu drata *le ka skari
The first cube is other than the second cube by the standard of the propery of

Is it valid to use the property colour as the standard for difference?  I think
the crux of this problem is related to the meaning of the x3 place.

    co'o mi'e dn.