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Re: Many things, catching up
> 2) About dimensions:
> Mathematically speaking, there are several things that get the name, and sorry
> if my terminology sounds a bit nonstandard, it's probably because it is:
> a) as in "dimension of the space V": number of base vectors (dim V)
> b) "dimensions of an object": any arbitrary vectors forming a base in
> which the object can be represented.
> So, mu'a, the ball has one dimension-in-sense-a), it is 3.
> It has 3 dimensions-in-sense-b) REGARDED TOGETHER.
> It has infinite number of POSSIBLE vectors that COULD go in its base.
> So, you can't say that there exist exactly three vectors (or properties,
> more generally) that are dimensions of lo balci.
I agree with that. Now, what does {cimde} mean? It obviously is not
sense (a), since its x1 is not a number.
So, is {lo cimde} a vector of a base, or a complete base? I think we
can probably solve it by letting it be one of the vectors, and putting
the whole base in x3.
So, after all, it _is_ true that exactly three things are dimensions
of lo bolci... in a given base. {de zo'u ci da cimde lo bolci de}.
> 3) About sumti and quoting: zo'onaizo'o
> I didn't say zo mi sumti was wrong. I just said that at the time I didn't
> feel it was OK. Now I don't know... You think: If lonu klama cu selbri,
> only then I accept mi sumti. If you must say zo klama selbri, I'd stick
> with zo mi sumti. Don't know. Maybe not.
pe'i lo nu klama cu sumti gi'enai selbri
co'o mi'e xorxes