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Re: tapes and conversation

I got your message and am mostly done assembling the index of lujvo since
Nick last took an archive dump from me.  Took me a little while to remember
how to do it quickly, and I wasted some time.

I am not sure what the status of the ftp site is.  Veijo can of course
put it up on the WWW page if you send it to him.  We can also put it up on
our digex page if you send it to me, and eventually get it up on the
main page.  I ma not sure whether John has worked out with Erik Rauch and Yale
as to why we are not allowed to update the site any more.  i will cc this to 
him as a reminder, but it may be partly due to start of school year problems.

As for comp. sci. and Lojban it probably depends what level hius course
is and what his skills are.  For example if it is an NLP course, he could work
on enhancing Nick's earlier effort.  Or he could work on the interface between
the glosser and the parser which requires processing of the parser output
- I would have to check with Nora on what is needed there, but the key question
is what languages he knows and would be using for any project that is going to
interface with anmyone elses work.

Given some more info like this, Cowan may also have some ideas.

Also, Chris Handley down in New Zealand came up with a semster or year project
of some kind that he offered to his class a year or so ago.  If it isn't
in the archive I may be able to dig it up, or if you can find hgis address
in your own archives you could contact him directly - he is currently off list
i think to finsih his thesis.  but he is a CS professor which makes his
suggestions more relvant.

Windows and Object-oriented versions of the random sentence generator,
the parser, the glosser, all are plausible projects as well.
