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Re: buffer vowel

la .and. cusku di'e

> I vote for buffer-hyphen equivalence.

Unfortunately, it won't work in naive form; I found a counterexample:
If the "y" is omissible from:

	bastyrapli < "basti rapli" = "replace-repeat"

then it becomes the different lujvo

	bas-tra-pli < "basti tarti pilno" = "replace-behave-use"

(Don't ask me what they mean, but they are both valid lujvo.)

> As for the slinkui test, I don't see how it's relevant here.
> Also, I've never understood the rationale for it. The tosmabru
> test says if a string is potentially ambiguous between lujvo
> and cmavo+lujvo, then the latter wins. The slinkui test says
> if a string is potentially ambiguous between lujvo and cmavo
> +lujvo, either lujvo is banned. I am confused.

No, the slinku'i test says that if a string is potentially ambiguous
between le'avla and cmavo+lujvo, the le'avla is banned.

> Or do as Chris suggests, and scrap buffering.

I'm beginning to think that this is the best alternative available.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.